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Board of Selectmen's Minutes 03/18/02

Please Note:
The following are minutes of the Selectmen Meetings held weekly, except during the summer, at the Town Hall. You may occasionally notice a delay in the posting of PRESENT:     
David Woodbury          Chairman
Gordon Carlstrom                Selectman
Christine Quirk         Selectperson
Burton Reynolds         Town Administrator


 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was called to order by Gordon Carlstrom at 7:00 PM.
Swearing-In of New Selectmen – Gordon Carlstrom and Christine Quirk were previously sworn into office by Town Clerk, Irene Baudreau.
Election of Chairman for 2002 Term – Gordon Carlstrom nominated David Woodbury as the new Chairman for the year 2002.  Christine Quirk seconded the motion.  All were in favor.  Congratulations Dave!


Howard and Francis Towne were present along with Jay Becker, Master of the Grange.  It came to their attention that the Town Hall did not have a United States flag anywhere in the building.  The Grange decided through their Community Service Committee to present the Town of New Boston with its very own flag.  The Selectmen thanked the Grange, and Howard Towne led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Gordon Carlstrom moved to include the pledge of allegiance as part of the Selectmen’s meetings in the future and that the agenda is modified to reflect this change.  Christine Quirk seconded the motion.  All were in favor.


1.      7:00 PM         Gary Luneau             Treasurer

Gary Luneau was present to sign bank account authorization forms as the newly elected Treasurer for the Town of New Boston.  He was sworn in by the Town Clerk, Irene Baudreau.  The Selectmen thanked Gary for stepping forward for the position.

2.      7:05 PM Bonnie Koch     Transfer Station

Annual Report - Bonnie presented to the Selectmen a copy of the annual report and explained how it is used to compare recycling statistics from one year to the next.  Currently there are eleven tons of aluminum cans being stored at the Transfer Station.  After some discussion, it was decided to wait for the price to go up rather than sell them now.  Other recyclables seem to be either holding or gaining in numbers.
Grant – Bonnie has received a two thousand dollar grant which will help to pay approximately one half the cost for the roll-off trailer.  Three quotes were presented to the Selectmen.  The heavier trailer has stronger walls and will hold forty cubic yards, which is ten cubic yards more than the older trailers.  It also happens to be the lesser of the three quotes.  
Waste Oil – Grants applications have been completed.  Waste oil is coming in on a more regular basis now.  The grant money can be used for the purchase of an oil filter crusher also.
Televisions, Computer Monitors – Recommended a ten dollar disposal fee starting in May 2002.  
Personnel Issue – Bonnie has interviewed someone for the full-time position at the Transfer Station.  She will discuss it further with Burton and the applicant will be at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

3.  7:15 PM     Nic Strong      Planning Department

Nic Strong was present to discuss how the Selectmen would like to handle the appointment of Planning Board members with the new process that was passed on March 12th, 2002.  The Selectmen agreed that the elected members need to be sworn in, and then a transition be made to the appointed Board by formally appointing those who were elected. The current Planning issues were also discussed with Nic at this time.
Byam Road – the certificate of occupancy is being held until the road is complete in order to avoid any further Juniper Hills problems.
Sub-division regulations were discussed at last week’s meeting.
The easements for Byam Road came back to the Planning Board from Bill Drescher with his changes.  Nic presented a letter that she suggested be sent to the abutters of Juniper Hills regarding a public hearing of the road acceptance.  
The Selectmen thanked Nic for coming to the meeting.

4.  8:00 PM     Conservation Commission

Representing the Conservation Commission were Brenda Lind and Burr Tupper.  There was some discussion regarding the plans for Saunders Pasture, off of John Newton Dodge Road, including access and parking.  The Commission values the access along John Newton Dodge Road, and has some concern for the gravel that has been placed at the end of the road.  The Town may be able to offer some minor maintenance of the road with an increase in usage by the public.  In the future, it may need to become a Class V road, maintained by the Town.  The Conservation Commission will notify the abutters of the public hearing regarding the management plan, once one is formulated.
Mill Street – The Conservation Commission will set a beginning date at their next meeting for the parking lot construction.  Leslie Nixon will notify Jed Callen of this date.  The Town will go back to court for an injunction if necessary.  The next meeting of the Conservation Commission is Thursday, April 4th.


The Selectmen’s minutes of March 4th will be reviewed at next week’s meeting.  The Selectmen reviewed the minutes of the Employees meetings of March 7th and March 14th and made changes.  Dave Woodbury will make the changes and they will be reviewed and approved at the next Selectmen’s meeting.


Planning – Planning issues were discussed earlier in the meeting with Nic Strong.


Ballot Results – The Library failure was discussed.  Some voters felt that the Parker Lot is in the flood plain.  The cost of the project and the Meeting room seemed to be concerns of the voters.

Warrant Results –
· McCullom Road - Mr. Eaton would like the Town to get involved in preserving the unbuilt Class VI road that is allegedly being bull-dozed by the developer.  He would like to get on the agenda for the Selectmen’s meeting.
· Police Station Monitoring System – this warrant failed.  Burton and Chief Begin talked about incorporating this project into the operating budget.  They will discuss it further.
· Recreation – One hundred five thousand dollars was voted to go into the Town’s general fund.  The money owned by the Friends of Recreation may be used by Recreation as they choose, (i.e. irrigating the ball fields).
· Town Phone System – Burton would like to talk about space needs within Town Hall before the new phone system is installed.  The Selectmen agreed that space needs should be addressed first.
· Highway – Burton is talking to Lee Murray about ordering the truck.  The order should be placed in June, after the tax bills are sent out and revenues are being received.

MS-2 Completion – The Selectmen signed the MS-2 form.  This provides the Department of Revenue with the results of the election, the minutes from the Deliberative Session, and the official ballot count.
Perambulation – The Selectmen are required to get together with neighboring towns to re-establish the Town boundaries.  Forms need to be renewed and signed by the Selectmen.  Bob Todd volunteered to help the Selectmen on a Saturday.
Reclamation Bonds – Burton distributed to the Selectmen a synopsis of those gravel pits that have bonds, and those that do not.  The Selectmen are reviewing the list.
Individual Compensation Discussion (Non-Public) – After some discussion, it was decided that a non-public session was not necessary, and that a public meeting will be held on April 4th to discuss the Employee Benefits and Compensation Policy.


Lights - Gordon Carlstrom asked Burton if the lights on the Common are scheduled to come on automatically, because he noticed that they were out one night.  Burton thought that they were on, but will look into the matter.
Ballot Handouts – The Town had five hundred ballot handouts printed this year on heavier paper at a cost of one hundred dollars.  It was decided that next year, the New Boston Bulletin will run five hundred extra copies of the monthly newspaper, and the inserts will be taken out and used as handouts.  This will reduce the cost of printing.
Copy Machine – Burton will be meeting with various vendors to acquire quotes for a new copy machine.
DRA Assessing Agent – Norm LaBlond is being sent out to speak with the assessors from various towns.  Norm speaks with the Town’s assessor, George Hildum, on a regular basis.
Town Water – Dan McDonald sent an email to Burton recently regarding the potential drought this summer.  The Selectmen are taking this into consideration.
FEMA Money – Dave Woodbury raised a question as to whether FEMA money was being used to repair dry hydrants in Town.  Burton explained that as soon as the hydrants are repaired, they become clogged again.
Letter of Thanks – Dave Woodbury suggested that a letter of thanks be sent to the Grange for their generous gift of the flag.


ADJOURNMENT:  Gordon Carlstrom moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:04 PM.  Christine Quirk seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

Prepared by Cindy Romano