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Planning Board Minutes 04/08/2008
TOWN OF NEW BOSTON                                             
Minutes of April 8, 2008

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairman Peter Hogan.  Present were regular members, Don Duhaime, Douglas Hill, Stu Lewin, and; ex-officio Gordon Carlstrom.  Also present were Planning Coordinator Nic Strong, Planning Assistant Michele Brown and Recording Clerk Suzanne O’Brien.    
Present in the audience was Mark Suennen.

Election of officers

        The Chairman stated that the positions of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary were up for election for the Planning Board’s fiscal year.

        Douglas Hill MOVED to elect Stu Lewin as Chairman of the Planning Board.  Don Duhaime seconded the motion and it PASSED unanimously.

        Don Duhaime MOVED to elect Douglas Hill as Vice Chairman of the Planning Board.         Peter Hogan seconded the motion and it PASSED unanimously.

        Douglas Hill MOVED to elect Don Duhaime as Secretary of the Planning Board.  Stu Lewin seconded the motion and it PASSED unanimously.


1.      Approval of the minutes of March 4, 2008, with or without changes, distributed by       email.

Douglas Hill MOVED to approve the minutes of March 4, 2008, as written.  Don
Duhaime seconded the motion and it PASSED unanimously.

2.      Approval of the minutes of March 25, 2008, with or without changes, distributed by      email.

Douglas Hill MOVED to approve the minutes of March 25, 2008, as written.  Don
Duhaime seconded the motion and it PASSED unanimously.

3.      A copy of a letter dated March 24, 2008, from Northpoint Engineering, LLC, to Nicola Strong, Planning Coordinator, New Boston Planning Board, re: Christian Farm Estates-Bond Release #1 Recommendation, was distributed for the Board’s review and discussion.

        Don Duhaime asked Douglas Hill if the cistern proposed for the site was installed and had passed inspection.  Douglas Hill replied that the cistern was in and he then asked the Coordinator if the Fire Department had signed off on the cistern inspection.  The Coordinator replied that the flow test had been good and the only outstanding item was a leak in a pipe that needed to be fixed along with some tidying up for the pad. She noted that $60K had been bonded for the cistern and Northpoint had recommended a $40K reduction.

Don Duhaime MOVED to accept Northpoint Engineering, LLC’s, recommendation for bond reduction re: Christian Farm Estates-Bond Release #1 Recommendation and to reduce the bond from $717,956.00 to $127,768.00.  Peter Hogan seconded the motion and it PASSED unanimously.    

4.      A copy of a memorandum dated March 31, 2008, from David Preece, AICP, Executive Director, Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission, to Brownfields Advisor Committee, re: Rebuilding Southern New Hampshire through Brownfields Investment, was distributed for the Board’s information.

        The Coordinator explained that SNHPC was setting up an advisory committee to look at past contaminated sites in the State that could possibly be re-used.  She noted that New Boston did not currently have any sites that met these criteria but if any Board members were interested in the topic they should let her know.  The Chairman asked if there were sites in Town that could meet these criteria in the future.  The Coordinator replied that there could possibly be such sites in the future.

5.      Read File:  Planning Board Training Seminar, How to Run a Meeting and the Decision Making Process.

        The Coordinator stated that this was a worthwhile seminar that was unlikely to be repeated anytime soon although no Planning Board members would be able to make it to this session since it was being held on April 22, 2008, a regular Planning Board meeting night.
6.      A copy of a memo dated April 8, 2208, from Nic Strong, Planning Coordinator, to the Planning Board, re: Gravel Pit, Tax Map/Lot #2/62, Twin Bridge Road, was distributed for the Board’s information.

        Given that the time of the next discussion was approaching the Planning Coordinator suggested that this item be addressed later in the evening since some discussion was needed.  The Board agreed.

7.      A copy of an article from The Goffstown News titled, Back to the drawing board, was     distributed for the Board’s information.

8.      A copy of an article from the Merrimack Journal titled, Tax benefits of outlets         scrutinized, was distributed for the Board’s information.

9.      A copy of an article from the Boston Sunday Globe titled, The view from up there and    Improper development spied from sky, was distributed for the Board’s information.

10.     Copies of articles from the Merrimack Journal titled, Tax benefits of outlets   scrutinized, was distributed for the Board’s information.

Discussion, re: road standards.

        Peter Hogan asked if the Fire Department had given their thoughts regarding low volume residential road standards.  The Coordinator replied that this information had not been forwarded to them but suggested that the Fire Department, Road Committee and Road Agent should receive copies of Planning Board discussions on this topic and be invited to a Planning Board meeting to discuss it together.  The Board agreed.  The Chairman asked what the ultimate objective would be from these discussions on road standards.  The Coordinator replied that while these topics were just discussions right now the Board could eventually make changes to As-Built guidelines and road standards through the Subdivision Regulations based on what came from these talks.  She noted that while it would be important for the Road Committee, Road Agent and Fire Department to weigh in as well, the Board might want to work through these discussions on their own and get a feel for what they wanted before seeking out opinions from these other groups.  The Coordinator added that she had copied to the Board the current road standards for the town along with suggestions from the Town Engineer regarding As-Built guidelines and road standards, such as negative grade requirements at road entrances, SNHPC’s low volume residential street documentation, appendixes of the Master Plan pertaining to road standards and the Road Committee’s suggestion for creating a hierarchy of roads in the Town for improvements.  She further added that one important item that was missing was an ordered list of roads in the Town for improvement priority which would be a valuable tool when arguing scattered and premature development should an applicant propose a subdivision on a road not high on the list.  Don Duhaime asked who would create such a list.  The Coordinator replied that the Road Committee and Road Agent would do so and they did have a list that went 4 or 5 years out currently.  Douglas Hill thought that having an in depth list would be a priority for the Town.  Peter Hogan noted that the Board had yet to be held up by a road standard when considering a subdivision proposal.  He added that a recent Traffic Study done for Bedford Road had not confirmed anything.  The Coordinator noted that the Traffic Study for Bedford Road had not yet been finalized.  Gordon Carlstrom clarified that Butterfield Mill Road had been slated for no upgrades and proposal for a past subdivision had been considered scattered and premature due to forest land that abutted it.  The Chairman asked when the last road standards update was done.  The Coordinator replied that it had been done in 1989 and carried through 1997.  She noted that the old Master Plan had tied in visual assessment to road standards and that the Town had tried unsuccessfully for many years to use a computer program (RSMS-Road Surface Management Systems) to help with these assessments, however, it had been found to be very time consuming,
therefore, they relied mostly on visuals.  Gordon Carlstrom noted that the Road Agent had discovered that the computer program the Coordinator referred to was found to be inept and did not serve their purposes for assessment.
        Douglas Hill thought that some roads in the Town could be narrower based on volumes and that this would cost the town less in maintenance.  Don Duhaime agreed and offered the example of Daylily Lane which did not need to be built 24’ wide as it had been.  Peter Hogan recalled that the Board had had many meetings regarding the preservation of Greenfield Road which led to Daylily Lane and in the end the Town Engineer at the time along with the Road Agent had decimated that road against plan.  He felt that As-Built plan specifications needed attention going forward so that contractors did not have an easy out to go against plan and alter As-Builts to suit their purposes.  The Coordinator noted that any design changes in the field required that an applicant needed to return to the Board for approval and that the new Building Inspector was being more proactive in assuring that changes in the field did not go overboard from the plan design.
        Peter Hogan asked for clarification on the Town Engineer’s suggestion regarding underdrains on roads.  The Coordinator replied that the Road Agent had suggested that an underdrain pipe should be placed into a fixed structure versus into rip rap as in the case of SHB Properties.  She added that the pipe could also come out into a flange.  Peter Hogan noted that this would be acceptable as long as the plastic spreader was not considered a drainage structure.  Don Duhaime asked about pavement depths, setting over winter, and if minor thickness changes for paving made a difference.  Gordon Carlstrom replied that adding ½” to 1” of depth made a great difference in how a road withstood wear.  Peter Hogan noted that while abutting and larger towns required different base depths for pavement they had less hilly terrain and, therefore, less water runoff wear than New Boston which needed the extra pavement depth for protection.  Gordon Carlstrom agreed and added that wear from water runoff increased the chances of live road beds.  Don Duhaime noted that in the case of fixing Bedford Road he felt that it should be remilled with good gravel and the bad material yarded out.  He further noted that many towns now followed the State’s standards for roads and this was working out better.  Peter Hogan added that any narrowing of roads in the Town was a good reason to increase their base.  Gordon Carlstrom returned to the subject of underdrains and noted that this would be a good discussion to have with the Road Agent and Road Committee.
        Peter Hogan noted the topic of shoulder pitching off the road at ½” per foot or 4% in Kevin Leonard, PE’s letter regarding road standards.  He noted that this would lessen a road’s resemblance to a super highway which made swales useless.  The Coordinator added that the old Road Agent, Lee Murray, had for reason unknown called for ¼” grade per foot for shoulders which did not seem to have great effect.  Peter Hogan noted that it was a question of how close the ditchline was supposed to be, i.e., it should be measured from the edge of the road not the centerline.  Douglas Hill asked if the size of a shoulder changed regarding low volume residential or if this was just suggested for paved roads.  The Coordinator replied that the shoulders for low volume roads were suggested by the SNHPC study to be 2’.  Gordon Carlstrom said this should be rethought to possibly 3’ or 4’ in case a vehicle needed to pull over to let another one by on a narrow road.  
The Coordinator noted that the Road Committee had suggested 4’ unless a road had less than 400 trips per day for which the shoulder width could then be reduced to 2’.  It was noted that most subdivisions approved in town had less than 400 trips per day.
        Peter Hogan asked why it was necessary for a road with it’s first coat of pavement had to sit over a winter before the additional binder coat.  Don Duhaime replied that this was for compaction purposes.  Peter Hogan noted that roads that were not driven on with their first coat laid such as Pulpit Road were not addressed in the Regulations.  Don Duhaime noted that the applicant would turn in a 2 year maintenance bond once the road was top coated anyway.
        The Chairman thought it a good idea to pursue a more in depth list of road improvement priorities from the Road Committee and Road Agent.  The Coordinator thought it might be a good idea to have them come to a Planning Board meeting along with the Town Engineer and said that she would see if they could all make the first meeting in May when a fuller Board would be present.  Peter Hogan cautioned the newly instated Chairman that the Fire Department would show great resistance to the proposal for narrower roads in the Town.  The Chairman replied that he was aware of this and was already in possession of the National Fire Standards book for reference.

Compliance Hearing/CUP/To Erect a Structure within the Wetlands and Stream
Corridor Conservation District
Location: 501 Mont Vernon Road
Tax Map/Lot #14/90
Residential-Agricultural “R-A” District

        The Chairman read the public hearing notice.  No abutters or interested parties were present.  He noted that the only outstanding items may be lawn seeding given the season.  Peter Hogan noted that he had driven by the site and had seen construction going on.  Gordon Carlstrom added that he had noticed that the frame of the old trailer had been dug out.  Peter Hogan asked if any security was in place for the seeding.  The Coordinator replied that at the time of the applicant’s approval the Board had determined that none was needed.  She added that some fees were outstanding for the applicant.  In light of these items the Board determined that they would adjourn the hearing, especially upon hearing that a Certificate of Occupancy had already been issued for the property.

Douglas Hill MOVED to adjourn the Compliance Hearing, CUP, for Kenneth R. Jr., and Lori A. Barss, Location: 501 Mont Vernon Road, Tax Map/Lot #14/90, Residential-      Agricultural “R-A” District, to June 10, 2008, at 7:30 p.m.  Peter Hogan seconded the motion and it PASSED unanimously.

        The Board took a 10 minute break and resumed at 7:45 p.m.

        Douglas Hill recused himself from the Board as his hearing was up next.

DOUGLAS HILL CONSTRUCTION                               Adjourned from 3/25/08
Submission of Application/Public Hearing
Minor Subdivision/Lot Line Adjustment
Location: Christian Farm Drive
Tax Map/Lot #5/16-21 & 5/16-22
Residential-Agricultural “R-A” District

        The Chairman read the public hearing notice.  No abutters or interested parties were present.  The Chairman stated that the Board first needed to act on the completeness of the application given the Stormwater Management Plans had been outstanding at the last hearing.  The Coordinator clarified that as the Board had requested at the end of the last hearing, the Stormwater Management Plans had been prepared for both lots and were on the same plan, therefore, a waiver was no longer needed.

Peter Hogan MOVED to accept the application of Douglas Hill Construction, Public Hearing, Minor Subdivision, Lot Line Adjustment, Location: Christian Farm Drive, Tax Map/Lot #5/16-21 & 5/16-22, Residential-Agricultural “R-A” District, as complete.  Don Duhaime seconded the motion and it PASSED unanimously.

        The Chairman asked if there were any outstanding items on the checklist.  The Coordinator replied that there were monuments to be set, however, that was likely to be addressed at the time of the road completion.  Peter Hogan stated that he still took issue with the fact that the driveway to lot #5/16-22 was not where it was supposed to be, however, the lots were larger than standard cluster designed subdivisions which was a plus.  He added that the worst case scenario would be that the lot at the back of the cul-de-sac might have trouble selling but then again it may not and this was not the Board’s issue anyway.  Peter Hogan noted that in his opinion the design changes made to the subdivision did change the character from a huge cluster to one that was more close knit, but that was the character of most cluster neighborhoods.

        Peter Hogan MOVED to approve the Minor Subdivision/Lot Line Adjustment Plan for Douglas Hill Construction, LLC, for Tax Map/Lot #5/16-21 & 5/16-22, Christian Farm Drive, such that Parcel A of 0.159 acres is annexed from Tax Map/Lot #5/16-21 to #5/16-22; Parcel B of 0.442 acres is annexed from Tax Map/Lot #5/16-22 to #5/16-21; and Parcel C of 0.066 acres is annexed from Tax Map/Lot #5/16-21 to #5/16-22, leaving Lot #5/16-21 with 3.081 acres and Lot #5/16-22 with 2.001 acres, subject to:

                1.  Submission of a minimum of five (5) blue/blackline copies of the revised plat,                      including all checklist corrections and any corrections as noted at this hearing;
                2.  Submission of a suitable mylar for recording at the HCRD, the cost of which shall be borne by the applicant;
                3.  Submission of a certificate of bounds set and the appropriate fee for recording same with the HCRD.
                4.  Submission of an executed common driveway easement and maintenance agreement for recording at the HCRD, the cost of which shall be borne by the applicant;
                5.  The approved Pre-Engineered Individual Stormwater Management Plan may be
                resubmitted as the final Individual Stormwater Management Plan at the time of
                application for a building permit provided the builder complies with this plan.  If
                critical areas are to be disturbed beyond those shown on the Pre-Engineered Individual Stormwater Management Plan, a revised Individual Stormwater Management Plan shall be prepared and submitted for approval.  If the Pre-Engineered Stormwater Management Plan is not to be used at the time of application for a building permit a new Individual Stormwater Management Plan shall be submitted for approval. The bond for the Individual Stormwater Management Plan must be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit.
The deadline date for compliance with the conditions precedent shall be October 8, 2008, confirmation of which shall be an administrative act, not requiring further action by the Board.  Should compliance not be confirmed by the deadline date and a written request for extension is not submitted by that date, the applicant is hereby put on notice that that the Planning Board may convene a hearing under RSA 676:4-a to revoke the approval.
      Don Duhaime seconded the motion and it PASSED unanimously.                


6.      A copy of a memo dated April 8, 2208, from Nic Strong, Planning Coordinator, to the Planning Board, re: Gravel Pit, Tax Map/Lot #2/62, Twin Bridge Road, was distributed for the Board’s information.

        The Coordinator explained that when this item was discussed at the last meeting the Board might recall that they had determined a Site Plan would not be needed based on transfer of ownership of the gravel pit.  She noted that when the pit was formerly owned by Clifton Wilson it showed a 10 acres excavation area with 10K cubic yards of gravel excavated per year.  The Coordinator explained that the current owners, Twin Bridge Management, showed an 11 acre site for the pit in two phases and while they still proposed 10K cubic yards per year from the site, their latest permit had a notation of 19K cubic yards.  She added that hauling would go west toward NH Route 77 as the town of Weare, NH, had closed their access to through trucks.  The Coordinator also noted that the hauling road, granted as an easement, had apparently never been transferred to Twin Bridge Management, therefore, that might pose an issue.  She asked the Board, if, given the latest information, they felt that a Site Plan was warranted.  Gordon Carlstrom added that Tris Gordon of Twin Bridge Management, LLC, had been quoted as stating that the gravel tax assessor, Ms. Langer, had told him that there were no issues with the site, however, he had heard otherwise.  Don Duhaime stated that if Twin Bridge Management, LLC, had no access to their pit then they would be required to go through the Site Plan process.  The Coordinator added that if they chose to go through another lot on their plan to access the pit then they would also have to come before the Board again as their plan stated that they would only impact the lot which had the pit for graveling.

        Mark Suennan of Twin Bridge Road was in the audience and spoke briefly to the Board, saying that he was present to watch how a meeting ran since he was interested in possibly applying for an alternate position.  The Coordinator stated that there were 3 positions open currently for alternates.   
        At 8:30 p.m. Gordon Carlstrom MOVED to adjourn.  Douglas Hill seconded the motion and it PASSED unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne O’Brien              
Recording Clerk                                                       Minutes Approved: