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Open Space Committee Minutes 11/16/2009
Minutes of the Open Space Committee – November 16, 2009

Attendees were Bob Todd, Ken Clinton, Mary Koon, Dave Ely and Ken Lombard and guest Ian McSweeney.
  • The Thibeault project stands as follows:
a. An offer has been made and rejected for the two open space lots. We feel that these may be revisited in the future.~
b. An offer has been made for the two infrastructure lots.  No official response has been received. An effort to arrange a next meeting is underway. We hope to continue this effort to a successful conclusion.

  • The deRoetth easement has hit a little speed bump.  The official appraisal has come in at a much lower value than the preliminary appraisal.  This affects how much NRCS will contribute.  We await the owner’s response.  Meanwhile, all other paperwork exists in draft form at least, including an easement and a baseline document.
  • The Steward easement has gone back to the lawyer for one more review.  I believe it is complete and should be signed soon.  I plan to take the competed documents to the county office ASAP.  
  •  I will meet with the Quinneys regarding their land along the Middle Branch on Wednesday. We agreed that although it is a small parcel, its location on the river makes it important to protect.
Our next meeting will be on the 2nd Monday, December 14, vs the 3rd Monday to avoid any conflict with Christmas holidays.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ken Lombard