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Open Space Committee Minutes 09/15/2008
Minutes of the Open Space Committee
September 15, 2008

Meeting was attended by Mary, Ken C. and Ken L.

We talked over the latest on the Middle Branch Farm and Bailey Pond activity.  This is proceeding but slower than hoped for.

We have a site walk of the Stewart property tentatively set for the weekend of September 27 or 28.~ Please let me know if you are interested and which day is better.

We will have a table at the Community Picnic on October 5th.~ Plan to have a map on an easel courtesy of Ken Clinton, and some brochures.~ Anyone interested in helping staff the table would be appreciated.

I am trying to get some hard copies of the current revision of the Open Space Plan and will distribute them soon.

Our next meeting will be on October 20th.

Respectfully submitted,
Ken Lombard