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Open Space Committee Minutes 10/20/2008
Minutes of the Open Space Committee
October 20, 2008

The meeting was attended by Ken Clinton, Mary Koon, Karl Heafield and Ken Lombard.  

We discussed activity on the following:

1.~~~ We had a discussion with Marilyn Taylor at the Community Picnic.~ She is an NYC resident and part time New Boston resident.~ She expressed interest in protecting a 79 acre lot next to hers if we could facilitate its purchase.~ Ian has offered to help follow up on this.
2.~~~ Mary and I walked the Stewarts property and found that it contains good wildlife habitat, a mixed age forest, mixed hardwood and softwood, seasonal streams, vernal pool(s?) and at least one year round brook.~ I will continue with a draft easement for them to review.
3.~~~ Ian is working with the Clark brothers to put an easement on their land.~ If the PLC can not do it in time, we may be asked to accept the easement.
4.~~~ An effort to establish Scenic Byway could offer the opportunity for additional grant money to protect lands along Rtes. 13N and 77.~ Hopefully the status will be granted.
5.~~~ Karl brought up the need to establish a method and a team to conduct monitoring of easements we acquire.~ We can start with a baseline document template, perhaps based on the one for the FRPP Chancey easement.~ Then we need to get a team involved.
6.~~~ All are asked to think about new members to recommend to join our committee.

Next meeting will be on November 17 at 7:30.

Respectfully submitted,
Ken Lombard