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Open Space Committee Minutes 03/17/2008
Minutes of the Open Space Committee March 17, 2008

The March meeting was attended by Bob Todd, Mary Koon, Pete Moloney and Ken Lombard.

1.~~~ Discussed the upcoming Saving Special Places workshop.~ Four of us will attend.

2.~~~ The Lull Road property came up for discussion again.~ We confirmed that we would offer to participate at $50K.~ The Russell Foundation is also willing to buy into this.~ Together, we are looking for a way to structure the right deal to protect the river shoreline.

3.~~~ The FRPP program has allocated money to us for 2008 (since the meeting, they have increased their offer!) and we need to find the right way to use it.

4.~~~~ Nic Strong from the Planning Office presented a plan that involved getting a grant to update ordinances that would encourage open space as well as offer housing options and affordable housing.~ We were asked for our concurrence with that effort, and gave it to her.

5.~~~ We discussed the Open Space Plan status.~ Since the meeting, I have distributed a copy to all of the committee to review. Please get your comments back to Peter.

6.~~~ We discussed the development plans for lot 15-15, which abuts the Tracking Station.~ As proposed, of the 100+ acres, roughly 1/2 will be developed with conventional lots and one half will be protected as open space.~ Atty. Callen is looking at options for us to protect the land; either own it, or own the easement, or find another holder (the PWA has decided not to hold this one).


Respectfully submitted,

Ken Lombard