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Forestry Committee Minutes 10/04/2010

Minutes of Meeting – October 4,2010

ATTENDEES:  Tim Trimbur, Karl Heafield, Kim DiPietro, Nancy Loddengaard

SEPTEMBER MINUTES to be reviewed next meeting as Dave Allen not present to review.

JUNE MINUTES:  Approved as amended.

Johnson Lot – After some discussion, motion made and approved to have a forester paint and inventory lot.  Tim Trimbur to check with forester to search for one that will do it for less than $1,000, and it is to include a contract for sale to arrange the logger to cut the trees.

Lydia Dodge Lot West – Tim showed contract with Durgin and Crowell.  Tim plans to be up on the lot tomorrow to begin to finish the cut, and clean things up when done.  Kim mentioned some trees needing to be taken down.
Lydia Dodge Bridge Construction – Karl to talk Craig Heafield, Riverside Sand & Gravel regarding the material needed for the low area on the road.

Trail Maps – Karl to look into someone to make a simple map of the New Boston Trail to put out at the Town Hall.  

Appointments:  Approved Tim Trimbur as Chair, Karl Heafield as Vice Chair, Dave Allen as Treasurer, and Nancy Loddengaard as Scribe.


Monthly Notice – Nancy to send out agenda a week prior to the Forestry Committee Meeting, and request notification of non-attendance.  To set up meeting for the library.
Intents to Cut:  None

CIP: None

Meeting adjourned at 8pm.

NEXT MEETING:  November 2, 2010