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Forestry Committee Minutes 10/05/2009
Minutes of Meeting – October 5,2009

ATTENDEES:  Tim Trimbur, Karl Heafield, Dave Allen.  Tom Lazott was unable to attend.

SEPTEMBER  MINUTES to be reviewed next meeting. 

There were no formal minutes taken at the June 2009 meeting.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  $11,223.57 and will be $25 less for the wetlands application.


Johnson Lot – There is more to do for the boundary tags. Tim Trimbur to sit down to have a discussion with an abutter.  Maybe a cut due for next year.

Lydia Dodge Lot West – To discuss question of pine sale next week.  May be Tim will complete the cut this year.

Lydia Dodge Bridge Construction – The wetlands permit was mailed in by Dave Allen.  Tim  to call Tom Miller re: wood for the bridge.  To try to get it done before the snow flies.  All voted in favor of authorizing up to $400 in expenses to build the bridge.

Trail Maps – No update from Tom Lazott.

Sherburne Lot-Tim suggest a trail, and timber stand improvement.  Discussed doing this in the future.

Steward reports due-Stewards to try to put up markers on the lots around 75’ apart.  Karl Heafield reports he already did the Sherburne Lot.

Intents to Cut – No new ones to review.  Nancy Loddengaard mentioned Kim Burkhammer would be leaving her position soon.


Officers – All voted unanimously to approve Tim Trimbur-Chair, Karl Heafield-Vice Chair, Dave Allen – Treasurer, Nancy Loddengaard – Scribe.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm

NEXT MEETING:  November 2, 2009