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Forestry Committee Minutes 05/05/2008
Minutes of Meeting – May 5, 2008

ATTENDEES:  Tom Lazott, Dave Allen, Kim DiPietro, Tom Miller, Tim Trimbur, Karl Heafield, Roger Noonan, Nancy Loddengaard, (Jon Brooks unable to attend, Bob Todd per Tom Lazott has not renewed his Forestry Committee Membership, but is available for questions.)

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.

Review of March Minutes:  Approved as written.

Review of April Minutes:  Minutes tabled until next meeting.



Follow-up Items Related to Landowner Notification Letter Presentation to Selectman
    Criteria for Intent to Cut – If it meets any of these 6 items the Intents to Cut may go directly to the Selectmen for approval: 1) There must be a map including boundaries, skid trails, landing location, area of cut, and wetlands, 2) No wetland crossings on the map, 3) If the cut is 1000 board feet or less per acre, 4) If the cut is less than 20 tons per acre for chips, pulp, or low grade wood, 5) If is is 2 cords or less per acre for firewood, or 6) Clearcuts of 2 acres or less.
    Criteria for Site Yield Tax Review – Blatant violations eg wetlands, steep slope, or large cuts are the things that have triggered requests for the forester to review.  Tom Lazott volunteered to draft a letter of criteria for Kim Burkhamer to use as guidelines.  Roger Noonan mentioned the Forestry Best Management Practices as a guide.
    Maximum Turn Around Time (TAT) for review process by Forestry Committee – 30 days maximum with every effort to do it more quickly.  Tom Lazott to work up the language.

Marvel Easement Plaque Installation
     The relatives of Ken Marvell have a location where they want the stone and plaque.  Dave Allen reports it is almost done.  Dave to call Kim Dipietro and she will contact Dave Saeger to arrange for delivery of the stone.

Johnson Lot Boundary Markers/Right of Way
    Tim Trimbur reports that PSNH seem to be receptive to working out a way to get trucks up to the Johnson Lot, but the details need to be worked out.
     Tim Trimbur has most of the boundary painted.  He reports there is dirt bike use through the woods there.

Twin Bridge Logging Activities
    Kim Burkhammer contacted Tom Lazott last Friday regarding logging activities at Twin Bridge as neighbors were complaining and the Intent to Cut was no longer valid.  Please see Tom Lazotts’ letter to the selectmen.  The cut was reviewed by the Forester today and the cutting has stopped.  The Forester reports the cut is generally going ok, the 250’ buffer along the river is intact except for 1 breach that occurred in February.  He noted the wetlands were flagged.  There were no current violations as of today.  A Completion Report was received today. A new Intent to Cut was received and approval is recommended.

Lydia Dodge Patch Cut and Committee Walkover
    It is still wet.  Tim Trimbur will contact Dan Cyr re: marking the next cut.  Tim gave a tour to the Forestry Committee of the cut.  The cut looked good.  Firewood Raffle on hold.

Trail Mainenance/Maps – no update.

Boundary Markers for Town Forest – Jon Brooks not present.


Procedure When Logging Laws are Broken
    Tom Miller explained that if someone breaks logging/RSA laws, notify the selectmen, and they notify the police who visit the landing and have the loggers stop the cut.  The Attorney General may also be notified, and they can notify the police.

Forestry Management Plans
    Tom Miller asked about forestry management plans on the lots.  He was willing to update them.  He has forestry books available if anyone wants to read them. He suggested limiting cuts to within a certain number of feet of a nature trail.  Discussed hiring forester or UNH students to update plans.  Discussed annual lot reports.  Tom Miller reports there aren’t students going into Forestry anymore.  He is thinking of a Forestry Day for kids to support interest in foresty, and long term interest in preserving the woods.  Tom to review plans on file in the Town office.

Tom Miller approved as Forestry Committee Member.

Intents to Cut – Bedford Road Cut already approved.

Security System – Each Committee to have it’s own code for the security system.  Discussed choosing a code.

Election of Officers:  To do it next month.

NEXT MEETING – June 1, 2008
Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.