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Forestry Committee Minutes 09/10/2007
New Boston Forestry Committee

Minutes of Meeting – September 10, 2007

Attendees:      Kim Dipietro
                Jon Brooks
                Tom Lazott
                Robert Todd
                Dave Allen
                Karl Heafield

The meeting began at 7:05 p.m.

Review of Minutes of June Meeting

The committee reviewed the minutes of the June 2007 meeting. The minutes were accepted by unanimous approval.

Treasurers Report

Dave Allen reported that the current account balance is $1,043.78. A payment of $320 was made to Jon Ferguson for his work marking timber on Lydia Dodge West.

Review of Old Business:

·       Lydia Dodge Patch Cut
o       Timber has been marked by Jon Ferguson. No further progress to report.

·       Marvel Easement – Ken Marvel Memorial
o       Tom Lazott presented the plaque design and will place the order.
o       Kim Dipietro to ask PWA and PAT to participate.
o       Karl Heafield to ask Conservation Committee to participate
o       Bob Todd to ask Historical Society to participate.

·       Forester/Landowner Notifications of Wetland Issues  
o       Karl presented a draft letter to the committee.
o       The committee discussed the need to add a landowner signature requirement and also attach the notice to every intent to cut form
o       Karl will revise draft letter and circulate at the October meeting.

·       Other Old Business
o       Access to Johnson lot through new PSNH substation was discussed. Bob Todd to get names of PSNH contacts that he is familiar with to discuss possible access via right of way or other arrangement.

New Business

·       Steward reports will be coming up. Blank steward report forms were circulated to the committee.

Permits to Cut

·       Various Permits to Cut forms were reviewed by the Committee members. No significant issues noted.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.