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Forestry Committee Minutes 11/05/2007
New Boston Forestry Committee

Minutes of Meeting – November 5, 2007

Attendees:      Kim DiPietro
                Jon Brooks
                Tom Lazott
                Tim Trimbur
                Karl Heafield

The meeting began at 7:05 p.m.

Review of Minutes of October Meeting

The committee reviewed the minutes of the October 2007 meeting. Some revisions were made to the draft minutes and the minutes were accepted with changes by unanimous approval. Karl will make the revisions and send the report to Kim Burkhammer.

Treasurers Report

Dave Allen was unable to attend with exact figures. Likely no change since account balance of $1,043.78 last reported.

Review of Old Business:

·       Lydia Dodge Patch Cut
o       Tim Trimbur has lined up one potential buyer who may be able to pay $290 per MBF at the mill, subject to Tim showing them the timber. We would need to arrange trucking and incur related charges. Tim will also investigate other local buyers and bring additional information at the next meeting. Jon will contact Burton Reynolds to determine what other paperwork is needed (i.e. contracts, intent to cut, etc.).

·       Forester/Landowner Notifications
o       Karl presented a revised draft handout to the committee.
o       The committee made a motion to accept the revised handout and provide it to Kim Burkhammer for inclusion in a mailing to each landowner for which an intent to cut is submitted.

·        Ken Marvel Memorial
o       The plaque is done and was shown to the committee.
o       Karl Heafield has paid $292 for the plaque and will request reimbursement.
o       A check from the Conservation Commission was received for their participation in the cost.
o       The plaque was shown to Linda Seager during the Marvell site walk.

·       Stewards Reports / Site Walks
o       Karl Heafield and Tom Lazott submitted Stewards Reports pertaining to their recent site walks of the Marvell Easement and the Sherburne lot.

·       Trail Maintenance
o       Jon has continued to maintain the Lydia Dodge trail with assistance from resident Bob Macentee. Jon raised the idea of having other committee members help maintain sections of the trail.

·       Beaver Pond on Siemieze Lot
o       Water level is lower and road is nearly drivable. Tim will continue to monitor.

·       Johnson Lot
o       Tim will continue to mark the boundaries.
o       Jon will submit survey maps to Linda Sizemore and the Forestry File.
o       Tim will contact Bob Todd regarding PSNH right of way contact.

New Business

·       Various Intents to Cut forms were reviewed by the Committee members. A cut for Map 5 Lot 50 was discussed as being a heavy cut near the river. Jon will follow up with Kim Burkhammer regarding that cut and any further action required.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Next Meeting December 3, 2007.