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Forestry Committee Minutes 10/01/2007
Minutes of Meeting – October 1, 2007

ATTENDEES:  Kim DiPietro, Tom Lazott, Tim Trimbur, Karl Heafield, Jon
Brooks, Nancy Loddengaard

The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm.

REVIEW OF SEPTEMBER MINUTES:  Minutes accepted as written.  Karl will send them to Kim Burkhammer.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Dave Allen was unable to attend with exact figures; likely no change since $1,043.78 reported in Sept.


Lydia Dodge Patch Cut
        Tim Trimbur reports the market is still low, but beginning to perk up. Tim will monitor the market and make the cut when the market improves.

Marvel Easement
        Tom Lazott brought the Marvell Memorial Plaque up at the Historical Society Meeting and they agreed to donate $100. Tom is having a proof made by Harris Trophy.  The plaque till be 9”by 6”, and will cost $292. Additional costs may be required for installation.
        Karl Heafield will send a copy of the proof to the Conservation Committee.
        Kim Dipietro reported that individuals at the PWA may donate, but the organization would not.  She reports that the PAT will contribute 1/5 of the cost.
        Karl Heafield made a motion which was approved for the Forestry Committee to donate up to $100 to the cost of the Marvel Memorial Plaque.
        Tom Lazott and Karl Heafield are to walk the Marvell property and will review the boundary markers, and will address any concerns as needed.

Forestry/Land Owner Notification
        Karl Heafield presented a potential letter to landowner’s regarding wetland issues.  Tim Trimbur shared a pamphlet from another town that is included with the intent to cut.  Discussion ensued about letter versus pamphlet and whom it should be from.  Karl to redo the pamphlet and the plan is to review at the next meeting and when it is ready to plan to meet with the selectmen.

Sherbourn Lot Site Walk
        Karl Heafield has not been able to do the walk yet.  Kim Dipietro reports there are surveyor marks along the boundary with Cochrane Hill Road. Karl and Tom to take a walk and review the area.

New Boston Trail Maps
        Tom Lazott has no update at present.  Jon Brooks reports there will be some trail maintainence work in the next month or so.

Siemeze Lot
        Tim Trimbur reports the pond is diminished and the road is almost totally dry.

Johnson Lot
        Tim Trimber reports some of the boundary mark ribbons are missing. He needs to review the survey and then paint the boundary.  He also will work with Bob Todd to contact PSNH regarding the right of way to the Johnson Lot.


Intents to Cut
        One intent to cut was reviewed.

New Boston Clean Water, Air, and Sustainable Energy Committee
        The committee is putting on a day long discussion called Step It Up New Boston, a national day of climate action.  The committee was asking if the Forestry Committee would set up a table, and after some
discussion, Jon Brooks will call Susan and let her know the Forestry
Committee would not be setting up a table.

Town Common Fir Tree
        Karl Heafield brought up the towns debate over whether to keep the Fir Tree or not, and mentioned there would be a petition to save the tree at Dodge’s Store if anyone was interested in signing it.

NEXT MEETING – November 5, 2007.

Meeting adjourned at 8:27 pm.