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Forestry Committee Minutes 05/01/2006
Minutes of Meeting – May 1, 2006

ATTENDEES:~ Karl Heafield, Robert Todd, Tom Lazott, Jonathan Brooks, Tim Trimbur, Dave Allen, Kim DiPietro, Nancy Loddengaard.

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm.

REVIEW OF APRIL MINUTES:~ The minutes were unanimously approved as amended.



Master Plan – Forestry/Natural Resources Section
~~~ Bob Todd reported on his talk at the Forum for the Master Plan.~ There were also presentations on housing, planning, and transportation.~ There appeared to be a discrepancy between how they arranged for those presentations, and how they handled the Natural Resources document.~ Kim DiPietro spoke of her conversation with Dave Ely.~ There are two more meetings of the Master Plan Committee, the Planning Board votes to accept the Master Plan or not, and then a public hearing is to occur in June.~ Karl Heafield and Bob Todd mentioned there was a Master Plan meeting tomorrow to brief members of the committee on sessions held on April 15 and to wrap things up.~ The graphics for other sections have the latest statistics, but not for the Forestry/Natural Resources section. If Ordinances are made from the Master Plan, the facts need to be in the plan to support them. There was discussion on how to respond, and it was decided to 1) Bob to ask the Conservation Commission if they have read the section and do they also have concerns, 2) Karl to call Dave Ely of the Master Plan Committee, 3) Explore what the contract states, and Karl, Kim, and Bob to express concerns at the Master Plan Meeting tomorrow, and ask if funds were available to have the section professionally done, and if not, could they hold the section out and request funds for next year.

Beaver Management
~~~ Tim Trimbur reports that it would cost about $41 to deal with draining the water from the beaver dam.~ He would put the device in once, and it would drain slowly.~ It is designed to reduce noice which would prevent the beavers from covering it.~ The Dodges who abut the Siemeze Lot are ok with lowering the water level, but are concerned about out of town people driving jeeps and digging up the road.~ A motion was made to approve up to $100 for the device, and it was unanimously approved. Tim will use his expertise to make and install the device next week.

Transfer Station
~~~ Karl Heafield went to the walk through at the Transfer Station and he informed the group of the committees viewpoint not to cut trees to the West of the Transfer Station on the Lydia Dodge Lot West.~ He invited them to attend the Forestry Committee Meeting if they wished to discuss it further. No one attended tonights meeting.~ Kim suggested writing a letter with the Forestry Committee’s decision to the Selectmen and cc:~ to Gerry Cornet of the Transfer Station.

Follansbee Lot
~~~ Kim DePietro reports that the map indicates the lot is on both sides of Saunders Hill Road.~ Bob Todd reports that the property on the Middle Branch Conservation Area side is town owned, and the boundary for the Follansbee Lot has been the Saunders Hill Road.

~~~ Jon Brooks showed the committee a variety of signs to be considered for use on New Boston Town Forest boundaries.~ The committee agreed on the sign with a picture of a tree.~ He will call and get a price estimate.


Officer Elections for Next Year
~~~ The committee will vote next month on next year’s officers.~ A motion was made and they unanimously approved the following slate of officers:~ Karl Heafield as President, Jon Brooks as Vice President, Dave Allen as Treasurer, and Nancy Loddengaard as Scribe.

NEXT MEETING – June 5, 2006

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.