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Forestry Committee Minutes 10/02/2006
Minutes of Meeting – October 2, 2006

ATTENDEES:~ Karl Heafield, Kim DiPietro, Tom Lazott, Bob Todd, Nancy Loddengaard

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm.

REVIEW OF SEPTEMBER MINUTES: The minutes were approved as edited.


Lydia Dodge Patch Cut
~~~ No updates at present.

Johnson Lot Boundaries and Access
~~~ The property sale to PSNH for the lot next door has not yet closed.~ Bob Todd to let us know when it makes sense to approach PSNH regarding access to the Johnson Lot.

Fund Raising for Boundary Markers
~~~ Burton Reynolds stated it was ok to fund raise for the boundary markers.~ Bob Todd brought up the question of selling lumber cut from the town forest.~ Tom Lazott made a motion to contact Tom Miller regarding the potential for him to rough cut lumber from town forests.~ The motion was approved, and Karl Heafield to contact him.~ Tom Lazott to do some brainstorming on fundraising at the schools, as it might also raise awareness of the Forestry Committee.

New Boston Central School Art Project
~~~ Jon Brooks with help from Tom Lazott, Kim DiPietro, and Nancy Loddengaard helped students cut branches for their art project with Jon Brooks.


Livable Walkable Communities
~~~ Sandy Van Scoyoc from the Livable Walkable Communities group met with the Forestry Committee.~ They have been looking for community input, and plan to develop objectives from that.~ They were wondering if the town forests that have trails might be helpful in connecting areas.~ There are two forests with trails other than logging roads, and the Forestry Committee will be working on maps for the trails.~ She asked us when making new trails to keep in mind the goal of connecting the trails to other paths and walkways. She reported they are looking for ways to raise funds for the projects.~ The Forestry Committee suggested some options for funds, and Bob Todd suggested looking at the New Hampshire statues for class A and B trails.~ The Livable Walkable Communities is to meet next on October 17.

Stewards Reports
~~~ Karl Heafield reminded members of the need to do the Stewards reports if possible by the next meeting.~ Kim DiPietro will be unable to do the Marvell Easement Review and Tom Lazott, Karl Heafield, and Barbara Thompson will do it instead.

Beaver Deceiver, Colby Lot
~~~ Karl Heafield spoke toTim Trimber who reported that he may need a larger device as the water level in the pond does not appear to be dropping.

Intents to Cut
~~~ There were none.

Memo from the Open Space Committee
~~~ On October 16th at 7:30 the Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission will be there, and the committee is seeking input from all departments regarding the open space plan for New Boston.~ Karl Heafield, and Bob Todd plan to attend.

NEXT MEETING:~ November 6, 2006

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.