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Forestry Committee Minutes 06/06/2005
New Boston Forestry Committee
Minutes of Meeting – June 6, 2005

Attendees:      Kim Dipietro
                Nancy Loddengaard
                Bob Todd
                Karl Heafield
                Tom Lazott
                Jon Brooks

The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m.

Updated town tax maps and landowner listings were distributed.          

Review of Minutes of May Meeting

The committee reviewed the minutes of the May 2, 2005 meeting. The minutes were accepted by unanimous approval.

Review of Old Business:

·       Yield Tax Consultant
o       Karl Heafield presented the draft addendum to the intent to cut form that was requested by the Selectmen. Bob Todd presented a sample map from the State Timber Harvesting Law publication that could also be attached to the addendum as a guide to show landowners what kind of information would be helpful in drawing a diagram of the timber to be cut as requested by the addendum.
o       A motion was made to accept the addendum and attach a modified sample map. The motion was passed unanimously.
o       Bob will modify the sample map and send it to Karl who will attach it to the addendum. Karl will then submit the addendum and sample map to Kim Burkahamer (Assessor) for presentation to the selectmen.
o       Jon Brooks reported that he had spoken with John Ferguson, a retired Forester, who is interested in the Yield Tax Consultant position. Karl will give his contact information to Kim Burkhamer.

·       Lydia Dodge West
o       Bob reported that the rain has held up getting started on the patch cut, but that once the weather cooperated, he and Tim Trimbur would make progress as their schedules permit.

·       O’Rourke Lot Trail
o       Jon reported that he has been working on the trail. There is a small stream behind the ballfield that is difficult to cross and warrants consideration for a bridge.
o       The committee discussed the need for a trail map. Tom Lazott will look into ideas to advertise and map the trail.
o       The committee also discussed how to get the community involved in a town trail walk as well as ongoing maintenance.

·       O’Rourke Lot / Black Gum Memorial
o       Jon has received some Black Gum information from the State which includes history, ways to measure age, etc. Jon will continue to think about a possible trail/memorial related to this tree.

New Business

·       New Officers
o       At the May meeting, the following members were nominated for officer positions for the one year term beginning September 2005
Ø       Karl Heafield           Chairman
Ø       Jon Brooks              Vice Chair
Ø       Nancy Loddengaard       Secretary
Ø       Dave Allen              Treasurer

A motion was made to adopt/elect the slate of officers. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

·       Intents to Cut
o       Several intents to cut were reviewed. A large cut on Map 1, Lot #23 was noted. Kim Dipietro will ask Kim Burkhamer to have the State Forester inspect the cut.

·       Suspension of meetings for summer
o       A motion was made to adjourn Committee meetings until September 12, 2005. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:10 p.m.