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Forestry Committee Minutes 10/04/04
New Boston Forestry Committee
Minutes of Meeting – October 4, 2004

Attendees:      Kim Dipietro
                Jon Brooks
                Nancy Loddengaard
                Dave Allen
                Tim Trimbur
                Karl Heafield

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

Public Hearing on Recreational Policy for Town Forests

The Public Hearing on the Recreational Policy for the Town Forest was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

There were no members of the public present. A motion was made to close the public hearing. The motion was passed unanimously.

Review of Minutes of May Meeting

The committee reviewed the minutes of the September 13, 2004 meeting. The minutes were accepted by unanimous approval.

Treasurers Report

Dave Allen reported that the current account balance is $1,563.79.

Review of Old Business:

·       Lydia Dodge West
o       Tim Trimbur will begin the patch cut in the near future. Tim reported that the current log price for white pine delivered to the mill is approximately $300/ MBF. The following “to do” items were also noted:
§       A trucker will need to be hired at a cost to be deducted from the money received for the logs.
§       A contract with a mill buyer needs to be drawn up. Tim will show the timber to 2 or more prospective buyers. Bob Todd will be contacted regarding the contract.
§       An intent to cut form needs to be filed with the Town.

o       Gate is awaiting locking mechanism to be installed by Tim Trimbur. Jon Brooks will cover the gate with PVC piping and will color the PVC with vinyl strips for visibility purposes

·       Firewood for Fuel Assistance:
o       Karl reported that based on a conversation with Burton Reynolds (Town Administrator), the Town would be happy to have approximately 5 cords of firewood made available in the winters for residents in need of fuel assistance. Throughout the winters, Mr. Reynolds is periodically contacted by residents who require fuel assistance. To the extent that those residents could make use of firewood, Mr. Reynolds could then contact the Forestry Committee to make the wood that is on hand available.
o       Tim Trimbur suggested, as an alternative, that firewood from the Lydia Dodge West patch cut could be sold on the open market with the proceeds being set aside to pay for fuel assistance for Town residents. This would eliminate the need for the significant labor involved in processing the firewood. It would also make the assistance available in a more timely fashion as a full year would be required to properly season/dry any firewood that would otherwise be provided. The committee agreed that this approach would be preferable.

·       Regarding Recreational Policy:  
o       Kim will contact Burton Reynolds to discuss the appropriate procedure for getting the Recreational policy on the Selectmen’s agenda for consideration as a Town Ordinance.
o       The committee discussed the need for a sign at the newly installed gate on Lydia Dodge West. The sign will reflect the policy that “wheeled motorized vehicles are not permitted.” Jon Brooks will determine prices for the sign and will discuss at the next meeting.

·       O’Rourke Lot:
o       Dave Allen reported that he had checked the flagging on the east boundary and he expressed concerns that a portion of such flagging may be encroaching on the Town Forest. The committee will continue to monitor the situation.
o       Jon will continue working on the trail.

New Business

·       Permits to Cut”
o       A Permit to Cut pertaining to Tax Map #1 Lot #23 was reviewed. The cut will encompass 225 acres and based on the permit, appears to be a very heavy cut. The committee was concerned regarding the impact from such a heavy cut. Kim agreed to request, through the Town Offices, that the State Forester is notified and urged to inspect the lot. Kim also stated that she would notify the Town Conservation Commission.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.