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Conservation Commission Minutes 07/09/2009
New Boston Conservation Commission Minutes
July 9, 2009

Attending : Joel Bedard, Mark Brown, Barb Thomson, Cindy Wilson, Betsey Dodge, Rebecca Balke, Burr Tupper, Ed Gilligan

Treasurer’s Report: Total Funds -$609,015.49          Open Space Funds - $397,643

Open Space – Ian McSweeny

DeRoetth Project-  Ian reported that the Open Space Committee had received notification that the DeRoetth Property had qualified for NRCS funding due to the type of soils present.  There is a total of 92 acres and all but 14 acres qualify.  There will be one house lot carved out of the parcel.  Roger Noonan, who is currently farming this parcel will work with NRCS on a management plan.  Purchase and Sales is being review by DeRoetth and his attorney.  Ian asked that P&S be signed outside the normal meeting hours to expedite the agreement.  Betsey was authorized to sign the agreement.  The NBCC also approved the expenditure of $1000 for the P&S.  There will be a need for $500 at the signing and $500 at the end of the due diligence.

SNHPC- Ian asked if the NBCC would support the Regional Piscataquog Watershed Plan that was being developed by SNHPC.  NBCC approved and agreed to review the documents created and host public meeting.

Twin Bridge Development – Ian informed us that Twin Bridge had just completed Plan D as response to input from DES.  Both the Planning Board and the Fire Wards questioned the length of the proposed cul-de-sac.

Library Crossing -  Jed Callen

There apparently was some concern from DES regarding the shape, size and length of the culverts that were being proposed by the engineers in their current plans and those that had been initially agreed upon by the NBCC.  After reviewing the current proposed crossing plans with Jed, it was agreed that the NBCC would send DES a letter re. it’s support of current configuration.  Motion:  Accept the elliptical culverts as proposed by the applicant. Burr Tupper to send the letter and copy Jed Callen.  A copy is attached.

Trail Work – NBCC formally thanked Jackie Moulton and Mark Brown for the outstanding work that had been done by the elementary school children.  Mark will write an article for the New Boston Bulletin. 

Drainage on pond located on Laurel Lane – Abutters and interested persons met with the Selectmen and have agreed on an acceptable water level for the pond.

Montgomery Dam -  NBCC was notified that DES has sent the Montgomery’s a letter that states if their dam lets go due to non-repair that they can be heavily fined.

Boundary Markers – Haven’t been able to complete the targeted properties due to the rain.  Some discussion took place regarding the current signs used by NBCC for boundary marking and those that will be required by developers and landowners.  Information regarding wetlands and other information for town people will be posted on the New Boston town web site.

Middle Branch Timber Cut – received the first checks totaling $17,450.

Respectfully Submitted,

Burr Tupper