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Conservation Commission Minutes 11/06/2008
Minutes of the New Boston Conservation Commission

November 6, 2008

Present:  Tupper, Gilligan, Dodge, Brown, Wilson, Burkhamer
Treasurer’s Report: (via email) $368, 381.68 with $172, 105.95 for land purchase
Minutes of October: Accepted as written

Conservation Areas - Reports

Saunders Pasture
Bill Dodge mowed both pastures at Saunders and the pasture at Middle Branch. Bill presented for eight and one half hours labor (8 ½) at fifty dollars ($50.00) an hour for a total four hundred and sixty dollars ($460.00).  Motion made and seconded to pay the bill – PASSED.  Tupper, Brown and Gilligan to use brush whacker(s) on brush along stonewalls and gate that Bill Dodge was unable to mow.
Lyndeborough Road
The boundary has not been surveyed and marked; Wilson will contact Bob Todd to set a date and time.  The new Conservation boundary markers will be used.
Middle Branch
Timber Cruise is complete – should have bids next month.  They will be able to remove the pines in the area of the old school house, however the two oaks will need a bucket truck to be removed safely.  Suggestion was to contact a local logger for this job.  Motion made, seconded to authorize the Steward of the Middle Branch Conservation Area to negotiate contract up to the amount of $1,500.00, with a licensed, insured logger to have the oaks removed as soon as possible, i.e. before snow.  PASSED  Burkhamer to contact some local loggers, Dodge to negotiate contract.
Mill Pond/Joe Nangle Trail
Boundary line marking is complete, but the cement post that was a corner marker is missing.  Will contact Bob Todd to look for and re-set cement post.  Picnic tables are shipped freight on board from factory – 2-3 weeks – consensus is wait until February 2009 to order.  Joe Nangle Trail Sign – No response from larger sign companies, Carol Hayes and Rick Herget make signs, Burkhamer to call.
Railroad Trail
Burkhamer was at a local logging operation done by horses – very low impact.  Would be a wonderful way to remove some trees from the Railroad Trail or other conservation areas where erosion and damage are big concerns.  Table discussion for next meeting
PLC (PWA) Erik Masterson – New Director 
Came to meeting to introduce himself and talk of the PLC mission.  They will be prioritizing projects and hope to continue with a good working relationship with all boards.  Discussion included Conservation Easements and new laws  - SB 381. 
Welcome to Erik
Community Picnic
Went well – Tupper passed out Conservation maps and information.

New Business
Tupper presented a project in hopes to provide more community involvement and interaction, perhaps co-sponsored with Trout Unlimited.  He will write up a business plan, with goals and action items and provide time lines for those.  Members to email suggestions to Tupper.  This could provide exposure for New Boston and perhaps assist in Federal programming.  Good work and great idea, Burr!
Wilson volunteered to write the Conservation Report for the Annual Town Report.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kim Burkhamer