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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/04/2007
Minutes from New Boston Conservation Commission   October 4, 2007

Present: Betsey Dodge, Rebecca Balke, Mark Brown, Ed Gilligan, Cindy Wilson, Burr Tupper

Treasurer’s Report $757,228.01 total - $601,241.19 reserved specifically for land purchase.

Special Note:  Betsey Dodge was presented a quilt that was made by Cindy Wilson, Deb Keiner and Sylvia Chauncey for her 31 years of service on the New Boston Conservation Commission.

Old Business

Foot Bridge - LWC postponed their requested meeting with NBCC until November meeting. Purpose of the meeting is to respond to questions that were generated by NBCC regarding the proposed footbridge that will terminate on NBCC property if constructed.

Culvert Installation - It was purposed that October 13 & 14 be set aside to install the culvert on the Railroad trail.  Kim B. will notify all that will be working on the project.  Rain date of October 20 & 21 agreed upon.

Mill Pond – Betsey Dodge had been in contact with Tim Trimber regarding the removal of trees that presented a potential hazard on the trail across the Mill Pond conservation area.  He was going to remove some trees on the on the steep slope.  He was going to chip the slash and stack the wood for removal by NBCC.  He suggested that we plant trees around the stumps to prevent erosion.  The cost was to be approximately $1000.  A motion was made and approved to proceed with the work and authorize the expenditure of money for this project.

Lorden Property – A discussion took place regarding the new conservation proposal from the Lorden’s regarding the proposed property on McCurdy Rd.  In general the proposal was supported by the NBCC.  

Twin Bridge update – Burr updated the commission on the meeting between Tris Gordon & partners and the Planning Board.  Tris agreed to the consider a 250’ no cut, no build buffer on the Twin Bridge property that abutted the Piscataquog River.

The NHACC is scheduled for November 3rd

Saunders Pasture Update – Burr, Betsey and Mark will mark trails that will be cleaned up by the Girl Scouts.  We will set up two dates in November for the project.  Betsey had researched the town meeting records and found out that in 1992 when the town acquired this property that it had voted to allow in money generated by the harvesting of timber to be place in the NBCC forest fund.  She was going to bring this to attention of Burton Reynolds, Town Manager, since the money had been place in the general fund.

A motion was made to approve the reimbursement of $40 to Cindy Wilson for a workshop she had attended.

A preliminary site plan was presented to the NBCC on a proposed subdivision of land that is currently owned by Mrs. Trussel on Clark Hill.  There were questions on lot 12 of 22 regarding the wet lands.   The land had been flagged, but there were questions as to who and when they had been flagged.  

A motion was made to approve the donation of $100 to the Forestery Committee for a plaque for the Marvel Land.

Cindy will work with Open Space Committee on defining targeted open space parcels and criteria for easements.  Cindy reported that at the workshop she attended that she was able to determine that other towns had approved the home owner associations to hold easement and monitor those easements.

Respectfully Submitted

Burr Tupper