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Conservation Commission Minutes 06/01/2006
New Boston Conservation Commission
Minutes of June 1, 2006

Present: Dodge, Nangle, Philippy, Wilson, Burkhamer,
Interested applicant; Thompson

Treasurer: not present

Minutes of May 4, 2006 accepted.

Mill Pond Sign
Needs paint, will be ready for 2nd Grade presentation, then needs polyurethane and will be in place by end of July.

Tax M/L12-19-96 - Lorden on McCurdy Road
Wilson has sent letter to Dana Lorden offering assistance with writing easement document.

Tax M/L 12-65 – SHB Properties – Pulpit Road
        Tupper and Wilson did site walk. Possible issues when road is relocated, would like to have a 50 foot ROW from cul-d-sac. Culvert(s) will be needed, but maybe not open bottom culverts, depending on size. Will need to file 2 possibly 3 dredge and fill applications. Will know more at next PB meeting.

Tax M/L 14-98 – Eisenhaure – McCollum and Meadow Roads
        Discussion at PB meeting regarding easement to town, possibly slope area at stonewall bounds. Abutting properties owned by the town, could also be corridor to Mohan property. Site walk set for 06/06/2006, Dodge, Wilson, Nangle and Thompson to attend. Motion from Philippy to pursue easement on property, motion seconded and passed. Wilson will pursue at PB meetings.

Tax M/L 2-62 – Tris Gordon - Twin Bridge Road
        Proposed a 150-foot buffer along the river, PWA would hold easement. Offered a 100-foot buffer on wetlands thru the property. Next PB meeting will have 3 different plans to view. Will also present informational session to Weare PB, as property abuts Weare. Buffer/easement on river falls to PWA, CC can defer wetlands buffer/easement to PWA. Motion made, seconded and approved, to pass or defer easement to PWA, however, CC to take easement if required.

Tax M/L 5-50& 5-52 – Right Way Builders – Beard Road
        New conceptual design presented, 48 acres +/- for conservation, very steep abuts the RR Trail. PWA did a site walk and would accept the easement but defers to CC. Motion made, seconded and approved to accept land given to the town with language in the deed that the Conservation Easement be conveyed to the PWA pending PWA approval.

Tax M/L 1-51 – Brouillet – Francestown Road
        Owner to tear down existing house and rebuild. Fill was placed in the wetlands in 1970s, current plan is to reclaim some of the wetland area. Wilson and Philippy did on-site. Will not require Dredge and Fill for proposed work but does require an “After the Fact” D&F. Letter requesting favorable support from CC regarding After the Fact D&F which is under review at the DES. Motion made, seconded and approved, to write letter of support of After the Fact Dredge and Fill to DES. Wilson to compose.

Tax M/L 5-16 – Doug Hill – Francestown Road
        Copy of DES request for more information addressed to Mr. Hill, and copy of reply sent to DES.

Tax M/L – 8-122 – Moody – Clark Hill Road
        Subdivision has been approved, concern with regulating size of building on smaller lot. CC has permission to monitor building set back of 5 feet, but must give 24-hour notice. Buffer/set back to be marked with orange construction fencing. Construction to begin in September.
Saunders Pasture
        Motion made, seconded and approved to engage Dan Cyr as forestry consultant for Saunders Pasture, regarding long term management plan and timber cruise. Burkhamer to contact Dan Cyr

        Letter from PWA requesting permission to use Saunders Pasture for “monitoring” training. Motion made, seconded and approved to grant permission for use. Wilson to contact Margaret at PWA.

Conservation Corp
        Letter sent to CC vis-à-vis students available for work on conservation projects. Service is very costly, will pass information onto other committees.

CC Footbridge – Land Station Forest/RR Trail
        Have permission from State Forestry and Land Management to repair flood damage. CC to pay for material and equipment, Bo Strong and Willard Dodge to do the work needed. CC will apply for FEMA money to cover costs. Tentatively scheduled for next week.

Respectfully Submitted

Kim Burkhamer