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Conservation Commission Minutes 04/06/2006
New Boston Conservation Commission
Minutes of April 6, 2006

Present: Dodge, Nangle, Balke, Wilson, Philippy, Burkhamer

LUCT - $414,799.13          Bridge Account – (as of 02/22/2006) $1,305.41

Minutes of March 2, 2006 accepted as written

Election of Commission Positions – Dodge elected Chairman, Tupper elected Vice-Chair, Balke elected Treasurer, Wilson elected Correspondence Secretary, Burkhamer elected Recording Secretary

Sign of Mill Pond discussed – Dodge, Philippy and Burkhamer to meet at the Mill Pond on 04/08/2006. Motion made and seconded to allow members to decide signage placement, size, etc at the site.

Moody development (M/L 008-122) Clark Hill Road
Letter sent to PB with recommendation to NOT allow three sites in subdivision, due to wetland impact. PB has site distance problem with lots. Property is/has been logged – no intent has been filed.

Plantier development (M/L 012-071-3 & 071-4) Bedford Road
        3 house lots – Letter from DES to Plantier, application will need to be re-submitted. CC concerns; might need to modify the project with open bottom box culvert instead of the 2-15 inch standard culverts, based on Tracking Station Bio-diversity study. Blanding turtles and other amphibians are prevalent in the area. More information and/or documentation of vernal pools needed. (Reply from Ray Shea (Sandford Engineering) – area is not a vernal pool and development will not disturb it). Finally, PE has not stamped the plans. Cyndie will write to DES (cc Sandford Engineering, PB) regarding new information.

Vista Road development (M/L 006-033, 006-040-1& 040-2 & 040-3) off Byam Road
        Vista Road, LLC is dealing with DES regarding wetland issues. Meeting before the PB is for a lot line adjustment, R.O.W. is being discussed.

Duke development (M/L 011-077) Joe English Road
        Currently one house lot, if approved would be four house lots. Wetlands on two of the proposed sites. Onsite at 8:30 AM on 04/08/2006. Philippy and Wilson to do onsite.

Lorden development (M/L 012-019) McCurdy Road
        Letter to PB not completed. Concerns include wetlands not flagged out to furthermost boundaries, very wet site, culverts should be open bottom box due to turtles and amphibians, have not yet applied for dredge and fill. Too many lots, several very close to the wetlands – some lots should be combined. Meeting with the PB 04/11/2006 will need a CC representative as Cyndie is an abutter. Burkhamer to go to PB meeting.
Rightway development (M/L 05-051 & 052) Beard Road
        Martin has acquired property from the abutter who sent a letter to the CC outlining his concerns and asking for help. Due to lack of proper site distance, this property was procured to allow the intersection from the proposed development road onto Beard Road. Will go before the PB on 04/25/2006.

SHB Properties development (M/L 012-065) Old Pulpit Road
        Preliminary not processed, will need to go to the PB and the BOS.

LWC Update – Sandie VanScoyic will give a presentation or have a table set up at the Master Plan presentation on 04/15/2006. There have been funding cuts and most grants are on hold due to October 2005 storm damage in Alstead.

SPNHF Workshop – Cyndie and Ken Lombard (Open Space) attended. Cost $45.00
Many interesting workshops, maybe have a PB and CC class on this material? Ken and Cyndie will approach Nic (PB). Motion made, seconded and accepted to reimburse Cyndie and Ken.

Beaver Dams Lull Road off of Tucker Mill Road – dams are on Forestry land – FC approached CC to become involved. Could be liability to town if dams break, would like to keep wildlife area now created. Solutions are – removing portions of dam, installing beaver pipes or trapping. Info given to FC, to be discussed at FC meeting on 04/03/2006.

Master Plan Committee Meeting of 04/15/2006 – CC and OSC to share table. Betsey and Joe to set up table with maps and Picture Boards. Cyndie to attend meeting.

Saunders Pasture Logging – need to do timber cruise with Dick Foote(logger/forester) Should look at easement on property. Tentatively set for 04/22/2006, who can attend? Kim to send out emails.

SPNHF lot for sale off Old County Road (M/L 012-016) – Price is $99,000.00 Ken will bring up at OSC meeting for discussion. Property is not currently protected but is to be sold with a protective deed.

Annual Membership for New Hampshire Conservation Committee – voted to pay dues of  $225.00

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Burkhamer