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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/03/2006
Minutes of the Conservation Commission
Meeting of August 3, 2006

Present: Dodge, Tupper, Nangle, Wilson, Gilligan, Philippy, Balke, Burkhamer
        B. Thompson also present.

Treasurer; $538,098.10 – Land amount available $415,596.86

Minutes; Approved with corrections

Tax Map/Lot - 14-98 – Eisenhaure - McCollum & Meadow Roads
        Wilson has called to discuss easements but has not received an answer

Tax Map/Lot – 12/71 & 12/82 – Plantier – Bedford Road
        No new information

Tax Map/Lot – 3/128 - Martineau – River Road
        Restaurant has been burned down. Owner has not started to re-build. Need to do on-site and walk slope to river. Wilson to call and schedule in October.

Tax Map/Lot – 2/62 – Gordon – Twin Bridge Road
        Tupper attended PB meeting – plan calls for 5 wetland crossings. CC is opposed to the crossing that would link the 2 cul-d-sac’s together. Lots abutting river need protection. Suggest that lot 26 be deeded to town, address the situation regarding river protection, maybe set aside for recreation area for all townspeople. Selectmen (on PB) stated lots are too dense & cul-d-sac too long. Owner not at meeting, agent will discuss meeting with owner.

Tax Map/Lot 12/93 & 12/38 - Chestnut Hill Development – Susan Road
        2 tracts of land sold. Tax M/L 12/93/38 is proposed for 8 lots, PB meeting on 8/8/2006. Tupper to attend PB meeting.

Master Plan – update presented to PB in July. May be some changes in zoning – RA to RAOS(residential/agricultural open space), form a village zone, encourage cluster development and create a scenic corridor overlay along river. Update does not contain ordinances, but gives language to construct ordinances and regulations. Should be enough to start wetlands ordinance. Coming to PB for vote this fall.

Open Space Committee – Ken Lombard – motion made, seconded and approved to authorize the OSC to spend up to $10,000 to hold option on property adjacent to Bailey Pond. CC voted to designate Ken Lombard to express CC appreciation to the Russell Foundation.

Saunders Pasture Forestry – motion made, seconded and approved to accept the forestry proposal from Bay State Forestry/ Dan Cyr sections 1,2&3. Dodge Dodge to sign contract and write to Selectmen regarding interest in project.

Trail Work
        Tupper to walk Saunders designate areas for brush hog, etc. Railroad trail needs brush cutting to open up trail way. Signage for trails needed – Dodge will contact prison.

Parker Road – Gravel Pit – Culvert below gravel pit entrance accumulates silt from pit entrance because ditching is poor and silt fence is down. Tupper wrote letter to BOS and spoke to Town Administrator. Road Agent spoke to gravel pit owner regarding broken silt fencing and sand. Owner and town will repair, will need to check up.

Right Way Builders Easement – PWA working on easement-motion made, seconded and approved to pay PWA up to $7,500 for labor on easement if and when PWA bills CC.

Farmers Market Lecture Series – Motion made, seconded and approved by vote of 4 to 3 to grant $100 to Melissa Harvey (farmers market coordinator) for lecture on Edible Forest Landscaping.

LWC – would like to be on agenda for November meeting. Dodge to Contact.

Letter from DES – Tax Map/Lot - 15/18 – Halvatzes – Chestnut Hill Road - regarding pump in wetlands. Will wait for more information from DES.

Respectfully Submitted
Kim Burkhamer