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Conservation Commission Minutes 12/07/2006
New Boston Conservation Commission
Minutes of December 7, 2006

Present: Tupper, Dodge, Gilligan, Nangle, Burkhamer, Wilson, Thomson

October Minutes – Accepted
November Minutes – Accepted with corrections

Treasurer’s Report - None

Tax M/L -  3-5-1Lull Road – Tris Gordon
Judge has upheld ruling of New Boston Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Wetlands Ordinance
The ordinance was presented to the Planning Board on Nov 28, 2006, after much discussion, ordinance was not accepted. The wetlands sub-committee group has re-worded the ordinance, now more aligned to state ordinance. Concern expressed that new buffer and setbacks will not be adequate. Due to time constraint, new ordinance might not be able to be presented to Planning Board before Town Meeting and vote. Planning warrant articles are on a different timeline than town articles. Burr will write a warrant article for inclusion of the ordinance on the town warrant and will also draft a letter to Planning Board requesting support for warrant article. Article to go in New Boston Bulletin to explain the need for this ordinance. Good job to the sub-committee for all time and effort.

Foot Traffic and Road Committee – Sandi Van Scoyic and Dona Fairbairn
Copies of LWC draft handed out to Conservation members. Committee was awarded grant for footbridge in May 2006. Funding will be 80% grant and 20% match from town. Question on the use of volunteer help to make up some of the town’s obligation, LWC not sure but will look for answer. Current estimate is $126,000 for bridge, which includes the span and abutments, this figure could be higher in 2010 when the construction is proposed to start, but inflationary costs have been factored in. Question as to why focus on footbridge and not on improving sidewalks? Answer that LWC needed a project that the town would approve and sidewalks and all inherent problems were overwhelming. The safety issue of pedestrians on route 13 was a big consideration as well. If the new library passes it will be built by the post office and maybe the new fire station. Question on trail maintenance, no funding currently for any maintenance, would rely on Conservation Commission. Who will have responsibility for the bridge? Not sure, probably the town. Conservation would need help with maintenance as the trail would become much more heavily used and monitoring will have to be expanded, as area is very fragile. LCIP money originally purchased Mill Pond Conservation Area, would need approval by LCIP.  Footbridge article will be included on the 2007 warrant.

Saunders Pasture
Brush hogging finished, looks good. Need to do some trail marking, but probably will wait until logging completed.

Chauncey Farm
200-acre parcel, Open Space Committee working to obtain a conservation easement. Owners are receptive to an easement with restrictions for passive recreational use. Request from the Open Space Committee for $1,000 dollars to assess the Chauncey property. Motion made and seconded to approve request for funds not to exceed $1,000 dollars for appraisal.

Railroad Trail
CC members and Pat Jennings, representing community volunteers went on site with Bob Spoerl and Jennifer Cosedpoti from NH State Trails. Consensus is to open the trail and improve conditions, particularly the drainage problem. Bob Spoerl informed CC of grant opportunity. Would need to have vote from CC, Burkhamer will start grant writing process due to time restraints and present at next meeting. A group of volunteers would like to begin removing brush from trail near the 4H grounds. Plan is to open trail for better mixed-use access. Kim will speak to group leaders.

Tax Map 12-19 and 12-96 – McCurdy Road
Wetland crossing #1 is a free flowing stream, but currently flagged for an 8’ span, will need at least a 12’ span, possibly a bridge. Wetland #2 appears to be correctly marked. Extensive moose and grouse tracks – this area is a major wildlife corridor. Many interior areas might be poorly drained soil and have not been flagged, lots of runoff towards the proposed road. Ground is spongy, many rocks are moss-covered wetlands not well marked. Tupper sent letter to DES and Planning Board stating the concerns we have with this property. Letters from Fish and Game and a concerned abutter, both Hognose snakes and Blanding’s turtles have been sighted near this property. CC needs to challenge developer on poorly drained soils and wetland crossings. This site would be perfect for the proposed cluster home zoning.

Mention of doing some type of promotional Conservation Calendar.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Burkhamer