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Conservation Commission Minutes 03/02/2006

MINUTES FOR March 2, 2006

Present: Dodge, Nangle, Wilson
Secretary’s Minutes:  approved as corrected
Treasurer’s Report:  absent

Elections: Postponed until April due to minimum quorum in attendance
Mill Pond Signage: Discussion postponed due to absence of Burkhamer
Developments before Planning Board (onsites done):
        TM 5/16: Rte. 136—Doug Hill—Onsite by Tupper and Wilson; Dredge and Fill Application okayed to be signed and forwarded by Chairperson Dodge
        TM 8/122: Clark Hill—Dana Moody—Onsite by Tupper and Wilson; motion made, seconded, and unanimously passed to inform the Planning Board that CC does not recommend the subdivision of this lot into 3 lots due to the amount of wetlands, including the location of the flood plain boundary. Positioning a home in that confined an area of uplands could be detrimental to the wetlands from subsequent construction machinery as well as common human activity once the houses are occupied.
        TM 3: Helena Drive—Lin Pothier—Onsite by Burkhamer and Dodge; no wetland issues
Dredge and Fill Application TM 12/71-3 & 71-4—Bedford Rd.—Ray Shea for David and Alex Plantier—Onsite by Dodge, Nangle, and Wilson. Motion made, seconded, and unanimously passed to sign and forward minimum impact D&F application
DES Replies to D&F’s onsite: (Letters filed; copies forwarded to Planning Board)
        TM 6/33, 40-1, 40-2, 40-3: Rte. 13—Vista Road LLC—Strongly worded and detailed responses with over 15 issues to address by developer
        TM 2/112-2: Rte. 77/Middle Branch Road—Albert LaChance—Letter regarding alternate access road from Christine Bowman
Open Space Committee: TM 10/55 abutting Townes Piece with river access, discussed at Feb. meeting has been sold.
New Business
Forestry Committee: Letter about revising Master Plan discussed as informational.
TM 12/35-10: Arrow Wood Drive—Kenneth Diaz—Minor wetland crossing using new DES application forms—onsite by Dodge, Nangle, Wilson; Decision: Dodge to sign and send form to DES.
TM 12/89: Indian Falls LLC, Bedford Road—received copy of letter to DES from NH Fish and Game Dept. relative to proposed road culvert and rare Blanding’s turtle.
New Subdivisions: Will request onsite with Planning Board for each
        TM 11/77: Phillip and Hollis Duke—Joe English Rd.—4 proposed lots
        TM 12/110: Norman and Barbara Gagnon—Laurel Lane—1 lot into 2—wetlands evident
Correspondence: Request from NHACC to support the filing of animicus brief on behalf of local control regarding the appeal of Motorsports Holdings LLC(MH) to the NH Supreme Court
        FYI: PWA schedule of events
Respectfully submitted:
Cynthia Wilson, Secretary