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Conservation Commission Minutes 05/04/2006
New Boston Conservation Commission
Minutes of May 4, 2006

Present: Dodge, Nangle, Balke, Wilson, Philippy, Tupper, Gilligan
        Guest: Ken Lombard re: Master Plan Natural Resource Chapter
Treasurer: - $445,110.36          Bridge Account – (as of 02/22/2006) $1,305.41
        Plus recent deposit of $46,890 from Current Use
Appointment: Ed Gilligan has been appointed as an alternate to the Commission by the Board of Selectmen.
Old Business:

Mill Pond Signage: Consensus for dark brown background with gold letters.
Developments before Planning Board:
        TM 8/122: Dana Moody, Clark Hill        No decision yet; adjourned to PB 5/9/06
        TM12-19/96: Lorden Family Trust, McCurdy Road: Discussed proposed conservation easement on wetlands from Noftsger border to McCurdy Road. Wilson requested that she be allowed to contact Dana Lorden to help draft the easement document. It was moved and seconded that a CC member (Burr Tupper) work with her as she is an abutter to this development. There was no discussion about accepting the easement.
LWC update: Focus is shifting to bikes, trails, and walking. Grant monies for footbridge will be available in 2011.
TM 12/35-10 Arrow wood Drive: CC did on site for a Permit by Notification. Mr. Diaz has withdrawn same and has now asked for a Minimum Expedited on a new crossing. Onsite date to be set with Bob Todd.
TM 2/112-2-Rt. 77: Mr. Leblanc has D&F from DES with box culverts and now needs site specific mapping.
Master Plan Meeting 4/15: Wilson reported on events.
TM 12/65-Old Pulpit Road D&F: SHB Properties. Planning Board onsite 5/13 at 8:30 a.m. Cyndie and Burr to attend. Concerns about unnecessary crossings. CC requested box or open bottom culverts at last PB meeting, but agent has no desire to follow suggestion. Will refer to DES with D&F application.
Saunders Pasture Forest: Cruise set for 5/6 at 9:00.  Burr, Kim, Joe, and Betsey to attend. Dan Cyr, forester, will cruise later if needed.
TM 1/15-Rt. 136: Brouillet. Bob Todd’s letter to CC requests an after the fact D&F after CC conducts an onsite. Mr. B. wants to raze his house and build a new one on wetlands he filled with no permit. Discussion revolved around placement of new home. To be discussed at June meeting following onsite.
New Boston Bulletin:  Only one more trails article. Burr to contact Brandy about deadline.
Trail brochure: Discussion tabled about creating one large brochure with all walking trails on it.
TM 12/51-Robie Road: Robert Hall’s letter describing encroachments on Leach Hill Rd. CC considered letter and agreed the issue is not within our jurisdiction. Copies were sent to B of S and PB as well.
TM 14/98-McCollum & Meadow Rd.: Proposed subdivision of 4 lots. We will discuss after it has been presented to the PB.
Schofield CC Area: Melissa, her dad and a friend removed a tree which had lodged itself over the trail.
TM 10/55-Lyndeboro Rd: The parcel which we hoped to purchase was sold and there are discrepancies regarding deeds and boundaries.
Master Plan Natural Resources Chapter: Ken Lombard explained the need to add our input to the draft of this chapter which was not finished during the last rewrite of the MP. He asked for volunteers from CC to work on finishing it with members of the Forestry, Open Space, and Master Plan Committees. Becca, Ed, and Burr volunteered.

Respectfully submitted,
Cyndie Wilson