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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/04/2010
Minutes of the New Boston Conservation Commission
February 4, 2010

Present: Tupper, Bedard, Wilson, Gilligan, Brown, Thompson, Burkhamer
          Konner, Searle, Morgan, DePetrillo, Bernard

Treasurer’s Report: N/A

Minutes: Accepted

Conservation Areas – Tupper spoke with Rick Herget – signs for the Rail Trail and Saunders are ready – will be able to have a sign for the new Betsey C Dodge Conservation Area (formerly the Middle Branch) for a spring dedication. Posts for sign at BCDCA are in, the rest of the posts at Burkhamer’s house will go up to Searle’s house until placement after thaw.
Chance that the town seal might change and discussion on if the seal on Conservation sings should change as well.  Secretary reminded members that previous discussion on this topic had ended with a unanimous decision to stay with the “Molly Stark”. Wilson stated that this had also been very important to Betsey.  Motion made and seconded, to keep the Molly Stark logo on all Conservation Commission signage, PASSED.

Boundary marking and Easements – A proposal was put before the commission and discussion followed. Legal issues and signs needed, differences between LCIP parcels and town parcels. This will be an ongoing discussion, but we are off to a great start, thanks!. Due to the various signs necessary, a committee was formed to evaluate the areas and select wording and placement of signs. Committee members are Gilligan, Thomson, Brown, Bedard and Morgan.

Meeting Rules of Procedure, Roles and Duties – March will bring nominations and elections. Currently, due to tragic circumstances, we have interim officers. There was a discussion on rules of meeting procedure, roles and duties of the officers. There was no time to form a nomination committee; the nominations and vote will be open.
Tom Morgan and Elliot Konner nominated and voted to be representatives to the Planning Board.

Laura Bernard will order 12 NHCC manuals for all members, Burkhamer to send Bernard the link to the NHCCA.

Open Space Plan – copies of the plan passed out to the commission, when the presentation is made to Planning Board, members will be at the meeting for support. Great effort by the Open Space Committee.

Lemay Development – Wilson Hill Road – in the final approval process.

Betsey Dodge Memorial Fund – discussion on parameters of fund, with Wilson leaving, Bedard will step in and work with Brown. PENDING

Will have help with pro bono legal representation through Bedard – thank you SO much!

Lorden/Dupuis Subdivision – McCurdy Road – New Applicant
This subdivision/development is up before the Planning Board, new applicant, but the same plan – Morgan and Konner to attend.

Winter Carnival – came together – was fun. Will work better next year with more planning, timing and coordination with recreation department. Grooming of trail was great – many, many calls and compliments – Motion made and seconded to groom the Rail Trail for remainder of the year – PASSED
Discussion followed on other activities to become involved in or to initiate. Recreation Committee formed – Bedard, Brown, Gilligan, Searle, DePetrillo

Tupper found ATV and truck use on the Betsey C Dodge Conservation Area – need better signage and he will report to police.

Contact list – Burkhamer to send to all members

Lyndeborough Trail association – Letter of support for grant – after discussion, motion made, seconded and PASSED to send the letter in support of this project. Wilson to write the letter.

Assignment of Stewardship of Conservation Areas,

RailTrail – Brown and Searle

Betsey Dodge – Bedard

Lyndeborugh – Gilligan

March will be last meeting for both Burkhamer and Wilson – alternates should become full members – NOTE – Thomson to remain alternate – 7 full members and as many alternates as we wish. Searle, Morgan and Bernard are in.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Burkhamer