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Board of Selectmen Minutes 08/26/2014
August 26, 2014                                                                 7:00 p.m.
Present:        Board of Selectmen:  Francis B. King; Sandy Cristo; Brian M. Ashmankas; Mary Krumsiek; William Borowski; Town Manager, Bob Spain, , Tom Reilly, The Millbury-Sutton Chronicle; Edd Cote, and other concerned citizens.

Chairman King opened with the Pledge of Allegiance

Approve & Sign Warrant for State Primary
Motion to approve and sign the Warrant for the State Primary to be held on September 9, 2014 made by Selectman Ashmankas, seconded by Selectman Krumsiek.
Motion carried unanimously.

Approve & Sign Bond for Aerial Scope
Motion to approve and sign the Warrant for the State Primary to be held on September 9, 2014 made by Selectman Cristo, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Approved by Roll Call Vote.

Charles F. Minney VFW Post #3329– Change of Manager from Robert Roy to Kenneth Schold.  All paperwork is in order.
Motion to approve the Change of Manager for the VFW made by Selectman Ashmankas, seconded by Selectman Krumsiek.
Motion carried unanimously.

Millbury Cultural Council- Claire Forgues, Chairperson
The Cultural Council is funded by the MA Cultural Council that distributes $2 million to 5,000 cultural events statewide.  In 2014 they gave out many grants- including Dan Ferriera, band instructor at the high school got three grants this year; the Fruitlands Museum, Richard Hamelin for a pottery workshop, Gregory Maichack for a pastel painting workshop; Millbury Improvement Initiative for the PB&J in the Park series; and the Library for the Fun with the Arts and Arts Extravaganza program, along with many others totaling $4000.00.
A $500 scholarship to a high school student going into the arts will be distributed as well.
They are offering a grant writing workshop at the library on September 20, 2014 from 10 am – 11:30 am.  Applications are on their website at  
Selectman Borowski thanked Ms. Forges for coming in and doing such great work for the community.

Street Acceptance-Laurie Connors-Town Planner spoke about the end process of accepting the roadways that were approved at the 2014 town meeting and that the selectmen did a site visit for Oakes Street and the end of Diana Hill Drive.  The condo association has signed off on the waiver of damages.

Motion made by Selectman Borowski to adopt an order of taking in the form presented for the purpose of acquiring such interests in land as are necessary to complete the layout and acceptance of a new portion of Oakes Street as a public way, pursuant to the May 6, 2014 vote of Town Meeting, and further that the Board has determined that no persons will suffer damages in their property as a result of the taking and accordingly to award $0 in damages for said taking, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Approved by Roll Call Vote.

Motion made by Selectman Borowski to endorse the plan entitled “Road Acceptance Plan, Oakes Circle, Millbury, MA”, prepared by Andrews Survey & Engineering, Inc., 104 Mendon Street, Uxbridge, MA, dated January 17, 2014, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Approved by Roll Call Vote.   

Motion made by Selectman Borowski to accept a deed of the fee in Diana Hill Drive from Cronin Brook Heights LLC, conditional upon the Grantor providing to the Town a signed title certification in a form acceptable to Town Counsel, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Approved by Roll Call Vote.

Previous Minutes
Motion to approve minutes of the meeting for August 12, 2014 made by Selectman Borowski, seconded by Selectman Krumsiek.
Motion carried unanimously.

Town Manager Report:
Mr. Spain is appointing Officer Dan Daly to the Safety Committee.
Motion to concur with the appointment made by Selectman Borowski, seconded by Selectman Krumsiek.
Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Spain said that he is promoting from within to a couple of key positions.  Katie LaVallee is our new Finance Director and Sandy Genna, the Assistant Assessor has left; Jean Moroski has applied for the position, she has been in that department for many years and does a great job.  He is very happy to announce that he is appointing Jean Moroski as our Assistant Assessor.
Motion to concur with the appointment made by Selectman Borowski, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Approved by roll call vote.

As Katie LaVallee was our Assistant Accountant, Mr. Spain is appointing Sherri Brousseau as our new Assistant Account; she is from the Treasurer/Collector’s office- he received many great recommendations for her.   It is very enjoyable for him to be able to appoint from within.
Motion to concur with the appointment made by Selectman Borowski, seconded by Selectman Krumsiek.
Approved by roll call vote.

Mr. Spain would like to do a conditional appointment for the Building Inspector position as he has not accepted yet but next meeting is not until September 23rd.   The committee has chosen William Klansek of Rochdale as their first choice for Building Inspector; Mr. Spain hopes to hear from him soon.  
Motion to concur with the appointment upon acceptance made by Selectman Borowski, seconded by Selectman Krumsiek.
Approved by roll call vote.

The road construction is being done-the drainage is done on Stowe Road; Paving has begun on Carleton Road and Stowe Road.  The base coat is finished; Lincoln Ave has been reclaimed; a failed culvert on Elmwood has been replaced.

We continue to see drops in tonnage at the transfer station; however this will probably be the last month-we will probably start to see it level off.

The town auction is now happening in early-mid October now.

Per Selectman Borowski’s request he got in touch with town counsel regarding boards/committees implementing fees.  The Manager has the same authority to stop fees if he appoints the board/committee as the Selectmen do with their appointments.  Mr. Spain also asked town counsel if we could adopt a policy stating that the board of selectmen be notified 30 days before a fee is in place.  Mr. Spain will draw up a policy to that end and bring it to a future meeting.  Mr. Borowski thanked Mr. Spain for the research and the policy.

Mr. Spain announced that on Thursday, September 4th at 4:00 pm there will be a dedication of the Providence St. Bridge to Joseph Bianculli; please come to honor one of our finest veterans.  

Old/New Business
Selectman Borowski said that he had the met the new superintendent and wanted to invite him to one of our meetings.
Selectman Borowski suggested having quarterly meetings at different buildings around town, the mansion, library, senior center, etc.

Selectman Cristo asked to have the Historical Commission next meeting for their thoughts regarding the town.

Chairman King read Dates to Remember:
Wed August 27th from 6 to 8 PM -Millbury Historical Society Museum
Open at the Asa Waters Mansion
Saturday September 6th from 4:30 to 6:30 pm
First Congregational Church 19th Annual Chicken BBQ Rain or Shine!
Sunday September 7th at 6pm
Blackstone Valley Community Chorus Open Call in Douglas
Thursday September 11th from 9 to 11 am
Millbury Historical Society Museum open at the Asa Waters Mansion
Saturday September 20th from 9 am to 12 Noon
Millbury Historical Society Museum open at the Asa Waters Mansion
Saturday September 20th from 1 to 6 pm 14th Annual Millbury Block Party
Saturday September 20th from 4 to 7 pm at Asa Waters Mansion
Millbury Historical Society Meet Millbury's Four Fathers Program

On a Good Note
Selectman Krumsiek said that school starts tomorrow

Notice from the Town Clerk regarding polling entrance is being changed to the back of the high school near the track.

Motion made by Selectman Borowski to adjourn at 7:36 p.m., seconded by Selectman Ashmankas. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,
Tish Hayes, Secretary

        Francis B. King                         __________________________
Sandy J. Cristo                         __________________________
Mary Krumsiek                   __________________________
Brian Ashmankas                 __________________________
       William Borowski                        __________________________