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Board of Selectmen Minutes 07/24/2012
July 24, 2012                                                                   7:00 p.m.
Present:        Board of Selectmen:  E. Bernard Plante, Francis King, Brian Ashmankas, Sandy J. Cristo, Town Manager, Bob Spain, Edd Cote, Len Mort, Richard Valentino, Susan Spencer, Kevin Koczwara and other concerned citizens.
Absent: Brian W. Stowell

Approval of September Warrant:  
Motion to approve the September 2012 Election Warrant made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Motion carried unanimously.

One Day Liquor License-Struck Catering
July 28, 2012 at Asa Waters Mansion
Motion made by Selectman Ashmankas to approve the license, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Motion carried unanimously.

Class II License- Vitoria Auto Sales, Inc., 519 Southwest Cutoff:
Gilmar Bento DaVitoria said that her has two car dealerships in Worcester, one on Park Avenue and one on 245 Southwest Cutoff.  He would like to move the 245 Southwest Cutoff to this location as it has better access from Rt. 146 and the MA Pike.  He wants to do business the right way.  He has no problems or complaints from his dealership in Worc.  He has been in business 1 year and 2 mos.  No relations to prior owners and he does not do business with them.  Selectman King asked him to explain how he is going to run two businesses.  He will be the one to spend more time in Millbury-he has a person that runs the Park Ave location already.  He has three other employees.  He will be leasing the building.  
Richard Valentino-Chairman of the Board of Appeals spoke to remind the selectmen of the limited number of cars allowed on that lot.  
Motion by to approve the license with current license restrictions in place and the stipulation that Jairo Bicalho not be involved in the business made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.

Previous Minutes  
Motion to approve the minutes of the July 10, 2012 meeting made by Selectman Ashmankas, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Motion carried unanimously.

Town Manager’s report:
Mr. Spain has appointed Chief David Rudge to the Public Building Sighting Committee and Marcia Landry to the Cemetery Commission.
Motion made by Selectman Ashmankas to concur with the appointments, seconded by Selectman King.
Motion carried unanimously.
Selectman Cristo noted that Marcia Landry will be a welcome addition to this committee.
Chairman Plante said the citizens are concerned that they need more than one spigot at central cemetery; it is unacceptable to have only one faucet and this has to be fixed.

Grafton is not interested in sharing a street sweeper; Selectman Ashmankas may look into other towns.  

Update on the St. Brigid’s telephone pole issue.  It is more involved that they originally thought.  They have resubmitted to construction to get reengineered.   

Police department received the 911 Grant $37,056 towards staffing, training and equipment for dispatchers or any 911 related items.

Chairman Plante mentioned they attended the 2nd hearing of the McCracken Rd project.  DPW director did an excellent job the way he handled it and the people.  Selectman Ashmankas agreed. The next phase is for the initial engineering

The Town received a letter from the Office of Dam Safety to do a Phase II report for Ramshorn Dam.  We have to go to town meeting with a plan to borrow for costs of Ramshorn Dam and Brierly Pond Dam to get them fixed.
Selectman King asked if we could do it without a 2 1/2 override.  The Town Manager is looking to do it as a debt exclusion.  

Selectman King said that when Lake Singletary had a dam issues the association fixed it.  Why isn’t Ramshorn Association doing it?  Mr. Spain thought that the Association borrowed the money and the town helped pay it back.

Public Hearing-7:30 pm-XTra Mart- Off Premises Wine & Malt License
Public Hearing notice read into record by Selectman Ashmankas.

Peter Keenan represented Drake Petroleum Co., Inc. for an off premises beer and wine license at Xtra Mart at 100 Worcester/Providence Tpk.  He introduced Conrad Decker, Director of Real Estate, Carol Prune, District Supervisor and Cynthia Paquin the manager of this store.  There is a single entry doorway to the store and two emergency exits.  There will be no structural changes or physical alterations to the store.  There will be three specific areas dedicated to the sale of beer and wine located at the end caps.  There will also be beer and wine in five existing cooler doors.  The storage area will only be assessable to employees of the Xtra Mart.  They have three existing beer & wine licenses, in Sturbridge, Sutton and Spencer.  The store always has a minimum of two employees present.  They are looking for sales between 8 am – 11 pm.  There are cameras in the store and outside of the store.  It is very secure.  They are extremely aware of the liquor license laws in MA.  There is a computer system built into the cash register that calls for the attendant to enter the date of birth of the purchaser.  Cynthia Paquin will be the manager of record and has been the manager since 2003-opening day.   She put a petition on the counter to see what the interest was for this license and got about 100 signatures.*attached.  This is the perfect spot to put a package store as it is on a highway and not in a residential area.  It would just be a convenience for patrons.  Warren Equities Inc. is the parent company; Drake Petroleum is the operating company.
Selectman Cristo asked if we could take this under advisement as there are 8 establishments in the area selling beer and wine.  
The Chairman said that this company is a well-established company and the ABCC could overturn our decision.
Motion to close public hearing made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion to approve the license made by Selectman King, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

Selectman King asked about Rayburn Drive Area and Verizon Fios installing underground wires.  The residents are concerned about them putting in the cables in the streets and driveways and not repairing them properly.  Mr. Spain explained that they need to get a Street Opening Permit with the proper bond amount from the DPW and then it is inspected by our DPW Director.

Selectman King said that he heard rumors that the McGrath Road solar project is ready to be signed?   The legislation has given solar farms cart blanch by setting a taxable rate at 5 or 6%.  They have exempted solar farms from personal property taxes and the towns can only do a pilot payment.  They would still have to pay taxes on the land, just not the personal property.  As soon as they have something to bring to the board they will.
There is a deal that we will be able to use the net metering.  They are still working the land deal and the other side is receptive to it.  Selectman King would like to make sure our fire and police are safe.

Financial Management Planning Committee will meet soon.

Selectman King would like a list of Safety Committee list of members.  The charge was made by Selectman Ashmankas.

On a Good Note:
Selectman King wanted to thank the Lions Club for a successful carnival and fireworks.

The Farmers Market will be starting on Wednesdays from 5-7 on the Common.

Selectman Ashmankas wanted to thank Janet Sullivan for donating a VCR for the school system.  The school was very happy.

Chairman Plante sent a thank you note to the T&G and Chronicle for the outstanding job the Bicentennial Committee did with the Symphony Orchestra and Fireworks.

Citizen Speak
Barry Fjellman-2 Fjellman Road.  He has an issue with his road.  It is falling apart because big trucks going up and down it all the time.  All the sand and stuff is getting kicked up into his house. They tell him it is a private road and now it is not being kept up.  He pays taxes and doesn’t understand why he is not getting services.  

Len Mort spoke regarding the drooping wires in the Laurel Heights neighborhood that still have not been fixed since the October snowstorm.

Motion made by Selectman King to adjourn at 8:10 p.m., seconded by Selectman Ashmankas. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Tish Hayes, Secretary

        E. Bernard Plante                       __________________________
Francis B. King                         __________________________
Brian W. Stowell                        __________________________
Brian M. Ashmankas              __________________________
       Sandy J. Cristo                 __________________________
                                               The Board of Selectmen