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Board of Selectmen Minutes 08/24/2010
August 24, 2010                                                                 7:10 p.m.
Present:        Board of Selectmen:  Acting Chairman Francis B. King, Kenneth I. Schold, Brian W. Stowell, Brian M. Ashmankas; Freeman & Doris Guiou, Richard Valentino, Richard Hamilton, Joe Kosiba, Eric Leclaire, Brad Lange, Frank Gagliardi, Happy Erickson, Gary Nelson, Edd Cote, Charlene Arsenault and concerned citizens.
Absent: Chairman E. Bernard Plante

Change of Ownership- Pearl Café II, 92 Elm Street.
Motion made by Selectman Schold to approve the new Common Victualler, seconded by Selectman Stowell.
Motion carried unanimously.

Approve Warrant for September 14, 2010 Primary
Motion made by Selectman Schold to allow the road closure, seconded by Selectman Stowell.
Motion carried unanimously.

Subdivision Street Acceptance-Mr. Spain spoke regarding Jessica J., Lt. William S. Haynes III and Rollie Shepard Drive subdivisions.  Letters were sent to the builders from Mr. McGarry asking the builders to do their finish work so that the town can accept the roads and solve the concerns of the residents in that area.  They are going to ask the Board for a vote of support in acceptance.  It is up to the Planning Board to issue a certificate of compliance.  Final inspections will be done by Tighe & Bond.
Motion by Selectman Schold for a vote of support, seconded by Selectman Stowell.  
Motion carried unanimously.

Green Communities Assistance Program-Laurie Connors spoke regarding The Energy Advisory Committee and Millbury trying to become a green community.  It means that we would be eligible to apply for a slew of grants.  There is lots of money for alternative energy projects.  This money could help with the process of constructing the wind turbine at Butler Farm.  There are five requirements to become a “green community; the first one is already completed and is allowing alternative energy facilities to be allowed by right in industrial 1 and 2 districts; 2) energy efficient vehicles policy;  3) require the town take no longer than 1 year for alternative energy facility; 4) reduce energy consumption in 5 years; and 5) adopt stretch code-similar to building code-all new residential construction over 3,000 sq ft and all commercial construction would be required to decrease energy and water consumption.   This is similar to 2009 energy code.  In order to apply for the grant they need a letter from the Board stating that they will try to get these things done within a year.  Mr. Spain supports the Energy Advisory Committee and all communities need to become more green, the policy on vehicles is a good start, the wind turbine is great and the LED Street lights we are sampling look very efficient.  
Motion made by Selectman Ashmankas to sign the letter, seconded by Selectman Schold.  
Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearing 7:15 pm-DPW Reorganization-Notice read by Selectman Schold.
This proposal is to reorganize the Department of Public Works- Under the current DPW by-law the position of sewer superintendent was absorbed into the DPW director and it also allows the role of DPW engineer time and money saving measures.    The DPW director has many new hats and a bigger and more technical role than was expected.  The operations manager will gain back a lead - the ops manager will need all licenses including waste water.  Bringing in a new blood might be new ideas.  It will save money as well combining two jobs saving $30,000-$50,000.  This will be a non-union position so will help with the discipline issues that come up.  Mr. Spain believes it is the right move and encourages support.  Do not have a formal job description yet;   this will be a more hands on; the “go to” person to carry out the jobs and make sure the work is being done correctly.  Mr. Spain already spoke to the union about this position-they reserve the right to collective bargain if he does more union work than expected.  This position will not be advertised until at least February.  Selectman Schold wanted to continue this to next meeting for more discussion. Mr. Spain said that was his hope to give people a chance to address it.
Mr. McGarry spoke on behalf of the proposal.  He had 20 years of sewer superintendent experience when he came here, he was pleasantly surprised to see how smoothly the sewer department was running.  It is a testimony to Mr. Lange’s 40 years of experience-he basically built the sewer system in Millbury-there is none better.  Mr. McGarry is in support of the proposal to realign.  His concern is the transition between the new ops manager and the departure of Mr. Lange for the benefit of his knowledge and expertise.  There are a lot of safety concerns in the sewer department.  Mr. Spain mentioned that we would have up to two months overlap.  
Mr. Nelson-sewer commissioner-he wanted to reiterate Mr. McGarry points of Brad Lange.  The timing is bothering the sewer commissioners.  He would like it postponed a few months to the new budget season.  Mr. Gagliardi-sewer commissioner-they are opposed to this so that Mr. Lange can work another year or two and retire with dignity.
Happy Erickson-sewer commission-Mr. Lange has worked for 39 years and has saved thousands of dollars negotiating with the upper Blackstone and dealing with vendors.  
Sgt. Desorcy had two concerns, there needs to be a job description and you should know what the salary is going to be also he finds it hard to believe that the union would be willing to let someone do this job.  
Richard Hamilton mentioned timing wise it is not good because we will have more managers than workers already.

Chairman King said that they will not close the public hearing at this time.

1st Reading Fuel Efficient Vehicle Policy-Mr. Stowell spoke regarding the Energy Advisory Committee and introducing a policy will require the town to buy more fuel efficient vehicles in the future.

One-Day Liquor License - Cardoos Catering - Asa Waters - August 28, 2010
Motion made by Selectman Schold, seconded by Selectman Stowell to approve the license.
Motion carried unanimously.

1st Reading Regionalization Policy-Selectman Ashmankas worked with the Manager to get the policy in line with the Charter-trying to share services, purchases, equipment and personnel with other towns wherever possible.  They are looking to expand knowledge of other towns and to save money.

Previous Minutes
August 10, 2010- Motion made by Selectman Stowell to approve the minutes, seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried 3-0-1 (Selectman King abstained).

Town Manager Report
Mr. Spain has reappointed Leonard Marrino, Robert Bisceglia and Janet Cassidy to the Fair Housing Committee/Local Partnership.
Motion made by Selectman Stowell to concur with the reappointments, seconded by Selectman Schold.
Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Spain has reappointed Ronald Valinski as the Sealer of Weights and Measures-If anyone has any problems with any gas pumps or registers please let the manager’s office know, Mr. Valinksi has no problem going out and checking on these things.
Motion made by Selectman Schold to concur with the reappointment, seconded by Selectman Stowell.
Motion carried unanimously.

Trespassing at the Mall-we have had some issues with unruly kids at the mall.  Our police has met with the mall management and put together rules and regulations for allowable activity at the mall, signs have been posted.  If they do not follow the rules they are given a notice of trespass-any further violation they will be charged.  The officers have given notice to a few individuals already.  This should help some of the disturbances.    

September 14, 2010 is a primary day so we have to cancel that meeting.  
Motion by Selectman Stowell to change the September 14th meeting to September 7th, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. McGarry-DPW Update-*See attached list* There has been some guys out with illness and injuries; we have still gotten a lot done with the help of the summer help.  They are punctual, smart and good workers; it has been a pleasure to have them.

Selectman Ashmankas wanted to know if the sand was being bought with Sutton. No, but we are in a co-op with Shrewsbury for rock salt-there is an ice expo in Marlboro on Sept 1st that Mr. McGarry will be attending.  You can buy sand off the state bid list but we get it cheaper by bidding it out ourselves.  We do joint bids with Sutton for asphalt and sidewalks.

Selectman Stowell wanted to know if there any concerns about Aggregate and slowing down work due to the strike-Mr. McGarry spoke with them and they assured him that they will be able to do the work in October.  

Old Business
Selectman Ashmankas mentioned that the Redevelopment Authority is still looking for a member.
Mr. Spain mentioned that they have invited us to a meeting on Sept 30th of theirs with a speaker.

Letter from the Bicentennial Committee asking to accept the Donations of $5,000 from WineNation and $247.00 from donation cans.
Motion made by Selectman Schold to accept the donations, seconded by Selectman Stowell.
Motion carried unanimously.
Letter requesting stem cell donors for George D’Auteuil, Jr.  There will be a booth at the Fire Department Field Day Saturday, August 28th from 11 am - 4 pm.

Motion made by Selectman Stowell, seconded by Selectman Schold to adjourn at 8:45 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Tish Hayes, Secretary, Bd of Selectmen

        E. Bernard Plante                       __________________________
Francis B. King                         __________________________
Kenneth I. Schold                       __________________________
Brian W. Stowell                        __________________________
       Brian M. Ashmankas                      __________________________
                                                Its Board of Selectmen