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Board of Selectmen Minutes 09/23/2014
September 23, 2014                                                                      7:00 pm
Present:        Board of Selectmen:  Francis B. King; Sandy Cristo; Mary Krumsiek, Brian M. Ashmankas; Town Manager, Bob Spain, Tom Reilly, The Millbury-Sutton Chronicle; Susan Spencer, The T&G; Edd Cote, Chuck Corey, members of the Remuck Family
Absent: William Borowski

Chairman King called the meeting to order

Selectman Ashmankas asked the Board for a moment of silence for the passing of former Redevelopment Authority and Planning Board member, Alan Linkevich.

Change of Manager-Qdoda Mexican Grill – Elizabeth Amaral appeared for Qdoba; she has been the manager for 18 months in the Millbury location.  All paperwork is in order.
Motion to approve the Change of Manager made by Selectman Cristo, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion approved by roll call.

The Massachusetts Legislature amended M.G.L. c 136, §6(52) which allow off-premises M.G.L. c. 138, §15 or so called “package store” license holders to sell alcoholic beverages, beginning at 10 A.M. on Sundays.  The ABCC requires a vote of the corporate board and notice to the local licensing authority followed by an approved Form 43.  The changes will take effect on October 23, 2014.

Change of Sunday Hours- Xtra Mart Millbury- 70 Worcester/Providence Tpk.
Motion to approve the Change of Sunday opening to 10:00 am made by Selectman Cristo, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously

Change of Sunday Hours- Goretti’s Supermarket-1 Providence Street
Motion to approve the Change of Sunday opening to 10:00 am made by Selectman Cristo, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously

Ken Perro to Board of Appeals- Mr. Perro is going from the Alternate position to a member.
Motion to appoint Ken Perro to the Board of Appeals made by Selectman Krumsiek, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Motion carried unanimously

Mr. Spain is appointing Robert Frederico as our building inspector, he comes to us from Northborough, he has to get his commissioner license within nine months; he is already taking classes.  His recommendations have said that he is a people person.
Mr. Frederico said that he is in the process of getting his commissioners license, he is a resident of Grafton; has one child in high school; he’s a volunteer firefighter; he has been in the trade since he was 14 years old.  He is delighted to be here, he doesn’t want to reinvent the wheel, and he wants to work within the system.  
Chairman King agreed that working with the people is most important and he’s looking forward to have Mr. Frederico aboard.
Motion to concur with the appointment made by Selectman Cristo, seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Motion carried unanimously.

Robert McNeil, III-DPW Update:  The replacement hire as equipment operator II- John Pedone started today, he is a Millbury resident.  Another interview was done today hopefully will close the deal in the upcoming week; road construction around town has been going on since mid-summer; reclaimed Lincoln Ave Ext and base pavement is down, waiting for topcoat on that; completed Stowe road drainage project; reclaimed and binder course of payment is down; Carleton road was reclaimed into auburn road and Elmwood street slightly; top course is down, scheduling top coat with center line.  The Ramshorn Dam Design is at 50%; we did not get the dam grant this year, we will continue to try.  McCracken Road is at 25% and sent to DOT for review; Rt. 146 Bridge Project (MADOT) replacing 1200 feet of existing sewer pipes, with new sewer service up to Faron circle. We are going through the pump station replacement project.
Chairman King asked now that we are at 25% does the town need to start paying towards it?  WS Development stepped up and paid for that.  This puts it on the TIP project and the town will have to fund the rest of it once approved.  
Chairman King asked if Latte Farm Road is a town road and if it is who is paving the road; yes it is-a communications company is laying fiber optic cable.   They are trying micro trenching; it was not a very good technic to use on this road so they are repairing it.  

Previous Minutes:
Motion to approve the meetings of the meeting for August 26, 2014 made by Selectman Cristo, seconded by Selectman Krumsiek.
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion to approve the meetings of the meeting for September 5, 2014 made by Selectman Cristo, seconded by Selectman Krumsiek.
Motion carried unanimously.

Town Manager Report:
In light of Mr. Klansek turning down the building inspector position, he would ask the board to rescind the conditional appointment of William Klansek.
Motion to rescind the appointment of William Klansek as Building Inspector made by Selectman Ashmankas, seconded by Selectman Krumsiek.
Motion carried unanimously.  

The Chief of Police has asked for Victoria Schotanus to be appointed as a part time dispatcher and Mr. Spain has done that.
Motion to concur with the appointment of Victoria Schotanus as a part time dispatcher made by Selectman Ashmankas, seconded by Selectman Krumsiek.
Motion carried unanimously.

The Police have received two e-911 grants for department support and incentive in the amount of $37,056 and a training/emd support grant in the amount of $10,000.  Mr. Spain would like to applaud Sgt. McFaul for getting these two grants.
Motion to accept the grants made by Selectman Ashmankas, seconded by Selectman Krumsiek.
Motion carried unanimously.

The Chairman of the WRTA advisory committee is very happy with the ridership here in Millbury- it is up dramatically, from 2200 in 2008 to 5372 in 2013.  The bus top is going to move around the corner from Main Street to Elm now that the diner is gone.  

The in-house town counsel committee is in the process of getting information together.  Selectman Cristo asked if the charge that she drew up was given to the committee- Ms. Davolio did give it to Mr. Plante.  

The auction for town owed property is going to happen soon.  There are about 10 properties to be sold.

Selectman Cristo asked about having a cross walk in front of the post office.

Old Business
Selectman Cristo wanted to discuss Tom Remuck’s song which is published so there is no problem with us using it; it has been out for about 30 years; the video is being sold at the Millbury historical society.  It tells about Millbury’s history.
Selectman Cristo would like to make a motion have the Selectmen adopt and to make Tom Remuck’s song the town song, 2nd for discussion by Selectman Krumsiek; she would like to ask if there are copy write issues, and if it is registered.
Selectman Cristo said that when Tom Remuck wrote the song he donated the song to the Millbury Historical Society.  Robert Frederico, our new building inspector who has a degree in this department, said that it’s a grey area and it should be referred to town counsel.
Selectman Krumsiek thinks that you should get a legal opinion or check with the Millbury Historical Society and she would like to know what we would do with a town song.  Selectman Cristo is not making that decision on what to do with the song.  Chuck Corey said that when Mr. Remuck wrote the song and donated it to the Millbury Historical Society.  Selectman Ashmankas said that it seems to be a complicated process one way or another; we are walking on complicated legal ground for a purchase not yet determined; he thought a proclamation would be a better way and a more fitting honor for the family.  
Selectman Cristo said that the song is talking about a lifelong resident coming home.
Selectman Cristo withdrew her motion to get more information regarding the rights to the song with the historical society and we would need their permission in writing with clarification; she would also like the manager to reach out to town counsel for their opinion if necessary.  

Chairman King Read Dates To Remember:
Friday, September 26th 8:30 am – 8:00 pm Last day to register to Vote at the special town
Saturday October 4th Tire Collection Day-at the Transfer Station for sticker holders
         9 am – 2 pm- car and pickup tires without rims only; eight tires per resident
Tuesday October 7th 7:00 pm – Special Town Meeting at high school auditorium
Thursday October 16th from 6 to 10 PM Millbury Police Department free CPR class –
        - Sign up at Library -508-865-1181
Saturday October 18th -Millbury Days at Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary-
          free admission! Tickets at town hall

On A Good Note
Selectman Krumsiek wanted to congratulate the Federated Church Block Party for being successful again and the Historical Society’s Four Father Presentation at the Mansion was great.

Chairman King wanted to congratulate Lt. Jason Cadrin and Detective Kim Brothers on getting married.

Selectman Cristo took the CPR training with Sgt. McFaul and Officer McGrath and wanted to let everyone know it was a very good course.  She encouraged everyone to attend the next one.

Proclamation for Fire Prevention Week October 5– 11, 2014
Motion to declare Fire Prevention Week from October 5 -11, 2014 made by Selectman Krumsiek, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Motion carried unanimously.

Letter from Laurie Connors regarding donations to the Bark Park in the amount of $980.00 and she has received $132,011.00 from the Foundation Grant to start construction by Landscaping, Etc. Inc.
Motion to accept the donations made by Selectman Krumsiek, seconded by Selectman Cristo.
Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman King said that the Fire Department Open House is at fire headquarters on October 8, 2014 from 6 pm – 8 pm.  Bring your kids down to see the fire trucks and get a piece of pizza.

Motion made by Selectman Krumsiek to adjourn at 8:00 p.m., seconded by Selectman Ashmankas.
Approved by roll call vote.

Respectfully submitted,
Tish Hayes, Secretary

        Francis B. King                         __________________________
Sandy J. Cristo                         __________________________
Mary Krumsiek                   __________________________
Brian Ashmankas                 __________________________
       William Borowski                        __________________________