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Board of Selectmen Agenda 01/22/2013
Selectmen’s Meeting Room
January 22, 2013
  7:00 p.m.    
Pledge of Allegiance

New Business
NB-1    Appoint Paul Fortin alternate to Butler Farm Re-Use

NB-2    Boat Excise Tax Disbursement    

NB-3    Sign Utility Credit Purchase Agreement
NB-4    2013 Drainlayer Renewals
Guest Presentation
GP-1    Rob McNeil-DPW Update

Previous Minutes
PM-1    Minutes of the Meeting – December 13, 2012

PM-2    Minutes of the Meeting – December 20, 2012

PM-3    Minutes of the Meeting- January 8, 2013

Town Manager Report
  • Appointments to Public Safety Siting Committee
  • Animal Control
  • Wheelabrator tonnage
  • Budget
- any items that may properly come before the Board

Old/New Business

On a Good Note
        Meet & Greet of new Chief of Police, Kenny A. Howell
        January 24, 2013 at 7:00 pm- Asa Waters Mansion                         

        Letter from the Fire Department
        Letter from the Bicentennial Committee regarding donations      
Citizens Speak
Executive Session -TBD
        Convene into Executive Session under M.G.L. c.30A, §21, paragraph 3
