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Board of Selectmen Agenda 03/24/2009
Mtgs/Events-April 09    Mtgs/Events-May 09      Mtgs/Events-June 09
BOS Mtg - 4/14/09       Town Meeting- 5/5/09    BOS Mtg- 6/9/09
Election Day - 4/28/09  BOS Mtg - 5/12/09       BOS Mtg-6/23/09

MARCH 24, 2009
7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance

New Business

NB-1    Drainlayer Renewal-W.H. Webb Construction               TAB-1

NB-2    Drainlayer Renewal-R.E. Barrows Construction            TAB-2

NB-3    Drainlayer Renewal-Grant’s Service Co., Inc.            TAB-3

NB-4    New Drainlayer-Mark Santoro                                     TAB-4

Previous Minutes

PM-1    Minutes of the Meeting – February 24, 2009                      TAB-5

PM-2    Executive Minutes of the Meeting – February 24, 2009    TAB-6

PM-3    Minutes of the Meeting- March 2, 2009                   TAB-7

PM-4    Minutes of the Meeting- March 5, 2009                   TAB-8

PM-5    Executive Minutes of the Meeting-March 5, 2009          TAB-9

Guest Presentation

8:00 P.M.       Senator Michael O. Moore                                TAB-10

Town Manager Items

TM-1    Town Manager’s Report                           TAB-11

        - any items that may properly come before the Board

Old Business

OB-1    Appoint Financial Management Task Force Member          TAB-12

        Letter from the Lions Club regarding Parade & Carnival
        Letter from Herb Chambers regarding name change 
        Letter from John Direnzo regarding name change on Class II
        Letter from John Direnzo regarding Taxi Service

Citizens Speak
Executive Session
