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School Agenda 01/13/2010
Millbury School Committee Meeting

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
7:00 p.m. Regular Session

6:30 p.m. Tour and Robotics Presentation

High School Media Center


1.  Approval of  Regular Session  Minutes of 12.09.09

2.  Report of the Administration
a.      Robotics Program Plans
b.      Federal Race To The Top Initiative
c.      Request SC Approval for Business Department Field Trip – Vote Required
d.      State-Wide Fee Survey Update

3.  Budget
a.      Capital Improvement Project List Priority Recommendations – Vote Required
b.      Presentation of Millbury Public Schools’ 2011 Budget

4.  Old Business
a.      Third Reading of Facility Use Policy
b.      Update on Land Use Regulations and Windle Field Actions – Vote Requested on
        Soil Testing

5.  New Business

6.  Executive Session
a.      Teacher Negotiations

7.  Future Meetings:
        January 27, 2010  High School Media Center   7:00 p.m.
        February 10, 2010  High School Media Center  7:00 p.m.

8.  Adjourn