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School Agenda 04/14/2010
Millbury School Committee Meeting

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

7:00 p.m. Regular Session

High School Media Center

1.      Approval of  Regular Session Minutes of 3.24.10
2.      Report of the Administration
                a.      Destination Imagine Team Qualifies for Nationals in Tennessee
        b.      Approval Requested for Students to Attend Annual Wheelabrator Symposium in Florida
        c.      Preliminary Approval of School Calendar
        d.      Proposed Joint Meeting with School Committee and Board of Selectmen

3.      Budget
        a.      Review of Transportation Costs for Athletics
        b.      Student Activity Fee Discussion/Review of Information Requested by the Committee
        c.      Discussion Pertaining to School Reductions
4.      Old Business

5.      New Business
6.      Executive Session
        a.      Teacher Negotiations

7.      Future Meetings:
        April 21, 2010      5:30 p.m.  Ex. Session Teacher Negotiations
        April 28, 2010      7:00 p.m.  Regular Meeting

      8.       Adjourn