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School Agenda 02/10/2010
Millbury School Committee Meeting

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

6:15 p.m. Executive Session
7:00 p.m. Regular Session

High School Media Center

1.      Approval of  Regular and Executive Session  Minutes of 1.27.2010

2.      Report of the Administration
        a.  Results of the H1N1 Flu Clinic
        b.  Community Service Learning Grant Awards

3.      Budget
        a.  Proposed 2011 Budget Discussion
        b.  Notification of the 2011 Budget Hearing – February 24, 2010 7:00 p.m.    
        c.  Medicaid Warrant Article Discussion – vote required
        d.  Student Parking Fees Revolving Account Warrant Article – vote required

4.      Old Business
        a.  Report of the Windle Field Committee/Update on the Army Corps of Engineers’ Application

5.      New Business

6.      Executive Session
        a.  Teacher Negotiations

7.      Future Meetings:    
                February 24, 2010  HS Med. Ctr.  7:00 p.m.  Budget Hearing
               March 10, 2010  HS Med. Ctr.    7:00 p.m.

8.      Adjourn