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School Agenda 04/28/2010
Millbury School Committee Meeting

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
7:00 p.m. Regular Session
High School Media Center

1.      Welcome to New Members

2.      Reorganization of School Committee
        a.      Nominations accepted for Chairperson
        b.      Nominations accepted for Vice Chairperson
        c.      Representative to the Windle Field Advisory Committee

3.      Approval of Executive Session Minutes of 3/24/2010 and 4/14/2010

4.      Determine Which Members will Address Budget and Medicaid Warrant Article at Town Meeting, if    Necessary

5.      Report of the Administration
        a.      Best Buy Donation of $10,000 to Millbury High School
        b.      Anticipated Retirement of High School Principal, Mrs. Linda Swenson

6.      Budget
        a.      Review of Adjusted Line Items in the FY 2011 Budget

7.      Old Business

8.      New Business

9.      Executive Session
a.      Teacher Negotiations

10.     Future Meetings:
        May 4, 2010     6:15 p.m.       MHS Principal’s Conference Room

      11.      Adjourn