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Planning Board Minutes 02/14/2011
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Millbury Planning Board was held on Monday, February 14, 2011, at 7:15 p.m., in the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA.  Chairman Richard Gosselin presided.

Present:  Gary Schold, Anna Lewandowski, Richard Gosselin, Paul Piktelis, Associate Member Edd Cote

Absent:  Jeffrey Markarian

7:15 p.m.       130 Westborough Street – Minor Modification to Special Permit

Scott Charpentier, Lenard Engineering was present.  Applicant is seeking modifications to the special permit originally granted by the Planning Board on February 25, 2008 – location of snow storage areas, and revised basemap topography.  

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to modify the Landscape and Material Layout Plan (sheet 5 of the site plan submission) dated December 7, 2007, last revised January 19, 2011, prepared by Lenard Engineering, Inc., as it pertains to snow storage locations, and to approve the basemap topography as shown on the final as-built drawing (sheet 1 of 1), dated October 13, 2010, prepared by Lenard Engineering, Inc.   Motion carried unanimously.  Associate Member Edd Cote was a voting member in the absence of Jeffrey Markarian.


Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to approve the minutes of January 24, 2011, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to approve the Executive Session minutes of  July 19, 2010, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to approve the Executive Session minutes of  August 16, 2010, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to approve the Executive Session minutes of  October 18, 2010, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to approve the Executive Session minutes of  November 8, 2010, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to approve the Executive Session minutes of  December 13, 2010, motion carried unanimously.

Cordis Mills – Draft Response to Board of Appeals Application

Two variances are being requested, for height and parking, property located at 65 Canal Street.  

Mrs. Lewandowski advised the Board that two other developments in the center of town were previously denied because they did not comply with the height restrictions.  She is also concerned with the number of parking spaces and the fact that there is only one way in and out.  

The Board will ask the Fire Chief for comments, in particular, whether the town has fire apparatus that will be able to access a building of that height.  

The Board did not want parking to interfere with CVS or the town’s lot at Windle Field.  Snow removal was also identified as a potential issue.

The Board will draft its letter to the Board of Appeals at its next meeting.

Executive Session

Motion by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Gary Schold, to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation, and to return to open meeting only for the purpose of adjournment.  Upon unanimous roll call vote, motion carried.


Motion to adjourn by Edd Cote, seconded by Paul Piktelis, motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan M. Dean





