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Planning Board Minutes 02/25/2008

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Millbury Planning Board was held on Monday, February 25, 2008 at 7:00 p.m., in the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA.  Chair Anna Lewandowski presided.

Present:  Brian Stowell, Anna Lewandowski, Scott Mueller, Rusty Valery, Richard Gosselin, Associate Member Peter Caruso, Jr.  

7:00 p.m.       130 Westborough Street Discussion/Decision

Chair Lewandowski stated that, for the record, two additional letters have been received, one from Lenard Engineering, one from Christopher, Wojick & Hayes.


Motion by Scott Mueller, seconded by Brian Stowell, to grant a waiver from Section 12.44 (e) of the Millbury Zoning Bylaws, requirement to submit a building elevation plan at the scale of ¼”  = 1’ or ½” = 1’.  The building elevation plan is not to scale.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Scott Mueller, seconded by Brian Stowell, to grant a waiver from Section 16-3(7)(8) of the General Bylaws, requirement to depict the site’s existing and proposed topography with contours at one (1) foot intervals.  Except at the settling/infiltration location, contour intervals are depicted at two (2) foot intervals, motion carried unanimously.

Mrs. Lewandowski advised that the applicant will be required to file with the Earth Removal Board.  

Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Scott Mueller to grant the site plan review special permit and post construction stormwater management permit, with conditions a – o, motion carried unanimously.

7:15 p.m.       51, 53, 55 Sycamore Street Decision

Chris King, Heritage Design Group was present.  

The Board discussed proposed conditions.  


Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Richard Gosselin to waive Section 12.44 (d) of the Millbury Zoning Bylaws - locus map at a scale of 1” = 1,000’ instead of 1” = 100’ specified in the regulations, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Richard Gosselin to waive Section 12.44(f) of the Millbury Zoning Bylaws – fiscal impact statement, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Scott Mueller to waive Section 12.44(f) of the Millbury Zoning Bylaws – historical impact statement, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Richard Gosselin to waive Section 12.44(f) of the Millbury Zoning Bylaws – traffic impact statement, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Richard Gosselin, to grant a special permit under Sections 14.11(l) and 14.11(a) of the Zoning Bylaw, subject to conditions a – rr, for 51, 53, 55 Sycamore Street, motion carried unanimously.

8:00 p.m.       Vassar Estates Public Hearing

Clerk Valery read the public hearing notice.  

Ronda Tawadros, Land Planning, Inc. addressed the Board.  Applicant proposes to construct a two lot optional residential compound subdivision consisting of one single family home with access to the second lot via the newly created Cheryl Drive, a 40’ private right-of-way.  A duplex unit is proposed.  

Mr. Gosselin was opposed to a duplex, which would require more conditions and would make it more difficult for the Board to grant waivers. He advised that the north arrow should be added to the plan, with a reference.  

Chair Lewandowski opened the meeting to the public.

Ronald Bourdeaux, 118 Grafton Street was in support of this project.  

Steven Giro, 130 Grafton Street was concerned with impact to wetlands, the pitch of the proposed driveway and drainage.  

Mrs. Lewandowski read Conservation Commission letter stating that it expects to receive the filing of a notice of intent.  

Clerk Valery read letter from the Earth Removal Board advising that it will not be necessary to file an application at this time and letter from Sewer Superintendent Brad Lange who had no comment at this time.

Cheryl Vassar advised that the Board of Appeals denied the application to return the lots to how they were years ago.  They would like to keep the roadway into the lot looking like a driveway,  keeping it as private as possible.  She identified other multifamily homes in the area.

The fire chief will be contacted for comments on construction of a duplex off this proposed driveway.

Motion by Scott Mueller, seconded by Brian Stowell, to continue the public hearing to March 24, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.. motion carried unanimously.

8:35 p.m.       Dryden Estates, Public Hearing

Clerk Valery read the public hearing notice.  

Ronda Tawadros, Land Planning, Inc., addressed the Board.  The applicant would like to construct a single family home pursuant to the optional residential compound subdivision provision.  Access will be via Grafton Street.  A 40 foot long, 12 foot wide private way is proposed.  

Clerk Valery read letter from the Conservation Commission advising that  Request for Determination of Applicability will be necessary, letter from Brad Lange, Sewer Commission regarding type of manhole covers to be used, and letter from Earth Removal Board stating that it will not be necessary to file an application at this time.

Mr. Gosselin advised that he was concerned with runoff, and how it would affect the abutting Vassar property.

There was no public input.

Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Scott Mueller to continue the public hearing to March 24, 2008 at 9:00 p.m., motion carried unanimously.

Chair Lewandowski declared a two minute recess.

9:00 p.m.       Weatherbee Public Hearing, 43 Burbank Street

Clerk Valery read the public hearing notice, a brief submitted by the applicant Karen Weatherbee, and waiver requests.

Ronda Tawadros, Land Planning, Inc. addressed the Board.  She stated that the Board of Appeals has granted a frontage waiver.

There was no public input.

Motion by Rusty Valery, seconded by Brian Stowell, to close the public hearing, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Richard Gosselin, to grant a frontage waiver for Lot 2, motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Rusty Valery to grant a site distance waiver pursuant to Section 4.1.14, for Lot 2, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Richard Gosselin, to grant a waiver from the filing requirements of a definitive plan, and to meet the application requirements for an ANR plan submittal, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Brian Stowell, seconded by Rusty Valery, to approve the Definitive Subdivision Plan for 43 Burbank Street, prepared for Karen Weatherbee, dated January 22, 2008, prepared by Land Planning, Inc., 214 Worcester Street, Grafton, MA, motion carried unanimously.

9:05 p.m.       Breault, 14 Bellville Lane, Public Hearing

Clerk Valery read the public hearing notice.

Attorney Peter Keenan was present to address the Board.  He submitted letter dated February 25, 2008 with a revised plan.  Two waivers are being requested, from Section 12.44(f) development impact statement, and 46.2.3, to allow the existing dwelling to be a separate structure.  

Mr. Gosselin would like the easement to be depicted on the plan, the north arrow should be referenced and asked what the minimum distance required from the high tension wires was.  

Mrs. Lewandowski stated that this large addition is like constructing a second home, and was concerned with the amount of disturbance to the lot.  

Clerk Valery read Earth Removal Board letter advising that it is not necessary to file an application at this time, and letter from Brad Lange, Sewer Commission requesting a sewer plan and the use of ductile iron for manhole covers.

There was no public input.

Town Planner Connors advised that a variance has been received from the Board of Appeals, and that pursuant to the zoning bylaw there can be no increase in square footage, all work must be done within the existing structure.

Motion by Rusty Valery, seconded by Brian Stowell to close the public hearing, motion was defeated on a 2-3-0 vote.  

Motion by Richard Gosselin, seconded by Brian Stowell, to continue the public hearing to March 24, 2008 at 6:45 p.m., motion carried unanimously.


Motion to adjourn by Brian Stowell, seconded by Richard Gosselin, motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan M. Dean





