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Planning Board Minutes 06/11/2012
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Millbury Planning Board was held on Monday, June 11, 2012, in the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA.  Chairman Richard Gosselin presided.

Present:  Richard Gosselin, Anna Lewandowski, Paul Piktelis, Alan Linkevich, Jeffrey Markarian, Alternate Member Michael Georges

7:15 p.m.       Donna Salloom, Mass Dept. of Public Health

Ms. Salloom provided a power point presentation entitled “Mass In Motion Initiative” , depicting the role of communities in promoting good health.

7:45 p.m        16 South Main Street, Fidelity Bank/VFW, Public Hearing

Clerk Jeff Markarian read the public hearing notice.

Al Collins was present representing Fidelity Bank.  The existing VFW lounge will be removed, the function hall will remain and will be upgraded, and a bank will be built on the site.

Brian Millisci, engineer for Whitman & Bingham reviewed the proposal, including stormwater, drainage, detention basin, addition of fence with guardrail along river, and advised that there will be 73 parking spaces.  This is an “historic site” as the Waters foundry was located there, and informational signage for “Armory Village” will be provided.  Access to the bike path will also be provided.  

Mr. Gosselin raised concerns with pedestrian traffic, and sidewalks.  

Clerk Markarian read letter dated May 15, 2012 from Ranger Arning regarding the armory foundation remnants and history regarding the former Waters armory site.   He also read letter dated May 25, 2012 from Ranger Arning asking that the vegetation be cleared in that area.  

Cynthia Burr, 7 Maple Street, Millbury Historic Commission, showed the Board the locations of the remnants of the armory on the proposed plan.  

Mr. Collins advised that the 21E study is complete, the property was found to be clean.  

Mr. Markarian read letter dated June 7, 2012, from Katherine Elliot, Director, Asa Waters Mansion, supporting Ranger Arnings’ letters, and asking for public access and interpretive signage for the Waters armory, and letter dated June 8, 2012 from Fire Chief Rudge which indicated that he has forwarded the proposal to the State Fire Marshall’s office.  

Commander Rick Barrett from the VFW advised that they cannot make repairs such as disability access to its facility on its own. The members of the VFW voted unanimously in support of this project.  He stressed that the VFW wants this viewed as a community hall.

Gene Colacchio, 20 School Street, requested the removal of cement pads there and expressed concern over flooding of his property.  Brian Millisci stated that this project will not make it worse.  Fidelity will remove the cement pads, the horseshoe pit and the pavilion.  

Ms. Burr added that the improvements to the drainage are welcome, she is pleased with the historic interpretation of the site, and requested two signs, one at the entrance and one in the back where the remnants are found.  She supported Ranger Arning’s letters.  

Mr. Collins advised that the VFW will retain ownership, Fidelity Bank will lease the property.  He also advised that he spoke with UMass Amherst landscape department and would like to have them involved.  He also recommended using local organizations such as the Eagle Scouts.

Paul Prisbilo, Fidelity Bank, stated that this is a community bank.  With reference to additional sidewalks he said that patrons use them now because of the current location in the center of town, this facility will have plenty of parking.  

Mrs. Lewandowski asked about the waiver which was requested for curbing.  Mr. Collins advised that granite curbing against a sidewalk heaves and grass grows out of it.  

Motion by Jeffrey Markarian, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to continue the public hearing to Monday, June 25, 2012 at 7:30 p.m., motion carried unanimously.

9:30 p.m.       Brierly Pond Village Partial Covenant Release and Acceptance of Revised Lender’s Agreement

Tighe & Bond has prepared a cost estimate for the remaining work.  John Burns was present and requested the release of Buildings 9 – 12 and 16 & 17, on Brierly Circle, and in return he will provide a Tri-Party Agreement in the amount of $252,756.60 to cover the cost of the remaining work on both Ashton Lane and Brierly Circle.

Mr. Gosselin asked about the piles of rock on site.  Mr. Burns replied that there just isn’t any space left to put it and he is working with the Earth Removal Board on this.   Mr. Gosselin also advised Mr. Burns that the datum used on the Phase I As-Built plan should be on the 88 datum.  Town Planner Connors advised that the plan was reviewed and approved by the Town’s consulting engineer and that the datum used on the plan was what was allowed at the time it was approved.  Mr. Burns will ask his engineer what it would take to change the datum.  

Motion by Jeffrey Markarian, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to accept the partial release of  covenant dated June 1, 2005, recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds in book 38474, Page 46, to release buildings 9-12 and buildings 16 & 17 on Brierly Circle, (Road “C”), and to accept the Performance Guarantee dated June 11, 2012, in the amount of $252,756.60,  motion carried unanimously.

9:45 p.m.       428 Greenwood Street Sprint Co-location Special Permit
                Modification Public Hearing

Joan Costello was present on behalf of Sprint.  Clerk Jeff Markarian read the public hearing notice.

Sprint is moving to 4G technology, they will remove the 6 antennas already on the tower, and will install 3 larger ones, a 26” disk antenna and 6 radio heads.  There will be a smaller cabinet installed on the ground.  

Motion by Alan Linkevich, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to close the public hearing, motion carried unanimous.  

Motion by Jeffrey Markarian, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to approve the modification to the special permit issued under Article 2, Section 27 of the Millbury Zoning Bylaws, originally approved by the Board on September 17, 2001, as depicted on plan entitled “Site Number BS54XC983, Site Name: Millbury-Highland Farms, Site Address:  428 Greenwood Street, Millbury, MA 01527”, subject to the condition that applicant shall paint the proposed antenna and accessory equipment to match the existing color scheme, motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Alan Linkevich, seconded by Jeff Markarian, to approve the minutes of May 14, 2012, motion carried on a 4-0-1 vote.  Mrs. Lewandowski abstained as she was not present at that meeting.

Executive Session

Motion by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation, and to return to open meeting for the purpose adjournment, motion carried on a 4-0-1 vote, Jeff Markarian abstained citing a conflict.  He stepped down from the meeting.


Motion to adjourn by Paul Piktelis, seconded by Alan Linkevich, motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan M. Dean





