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Planning Board Minutes 01/08/2007
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Millbury Planning Board was held on Monday, January 8, 2007, at 7:15 p.m., in the Municipal Office Building 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA.  Chairman William Borowski presided.

Present:  Anna Lewandowski, William Borowski, Richard Gosselin
Absent:   Rusty Valery

7:15 p.m.       Mail

·       Introductory letter from Earth Removal Board indicating a commitment to work cooperatively with the Planning Board

7:30 p.m.       Clearview Estates Signing of Mylar and Performance Guarantee

Applicant John Burns was present.  The Board signed the covenant and the mylar sheets.   

7: 35 p.m.      Jessica J. Extension Mylar Signing and Performance Guarantee

The Board took no action.   This was placed on the January 22, 2007  agenda at 7:20 p.m.  

Other Business

Cronin Brook Heights:  The Board requested that the following action be taken:

Send a letter to Graves Engineering asking for a detailed explanation as to why there is no cul de sac at the end of Diana Hill Road as per the plan.  Some members thought that it should not be anticipated that this roadway could be extended for future subdivision.  They all expressed concern that Graves would have signed off on this.  The PB wants a reply by the JANUARY 22 meeting.
Send a letter to Bob McKie for the same explanation, reponse also to be received by JANUARY 22 meeting.
Send letter to Bob McKie for status on receipt of structural engineer's report on repairs to the gabian wall.  Response by FEBRUARY 12 meeting.

Chairman Borowski declared a two minute recess.

8:15 p.m.       Modification to Subdivision Rules & Regulations, Public Hearing

Public hearing notice read by Vice Chairwoman Lewandowski.  In the absence of member Rusty Valery, motion by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Richard Gosselin, to continue the public hearing to January 22, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., motion carried unanimously.  No testimony was taken.  The Board will ask the town planner to submit wording for modification to stormwater regulations.  Ms. Lewandowski submitted revisions to loam and seed requirements.

8:30 p.m.       Fink Road:  ANR and Paper Road Improvements

Attorney Greenwald was present on behalf of the applicant, and disputed page 3, last paragraph of town counsel letter , advised that the letter referenced a road width of 9 feet which is incorrect, and submitted case law handouts to the members.  Applicant Comolli's position is that he will make the proposed road improvements, but believes that this is not required of him.  Norman Hill, applicant’s engineer,  submitted an aerial view of the roadway, stating that the radius of the S curve within Fink Road exceeds the requirements in the SRR already.

Regarding  the Aulson v. Simpson case,  Attorney Greenwald stated that this was a mirror to this Fink Road ANR plan application and that the Board was obligated to endorse the plan.  
The Board agreed to forward this to town counsel for a definitive answer yes or no, not an opinion.  
Steve Comolli agreed to an extension date of February 16, 2007.  He is to submit a letter for filing with the Clerk.  
This discussion will be continued on the January 22, 2007 agenda at 8:30 pm.  

9:10 p.m.       Watson Estates Public Hearing, cont.

Chairman Borowski advised the applicant that both the Town Planner and member Rusty Valery were absent from tonight’s meeting.  All three members present would have to vote favorably on this application for an approval.  He declared a two minute recess to allow the applicants and their representatives to discuss whether they wish to proceed this evening or to ask for a continuance of the public hearing.  

Mr. Bob Murphy, engineer for the applicant, advised the Board that a continuance of the public hearing was requested.

Motion by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Richard Gosselin to continue the public hearing to February 12, 2007 at 8:15 p.m., motion carried unanimously.  No testimony was taken.  The Board unanimously agreed to grant an extension of time to render a decision to March 2, 2007.  


Motion to adjourn by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Richard Gosselin, motion carried unanimously.  Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan M. Dean




