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Planning Board Minutes 07/18/2011
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Millbury Planning Board was held on Monday, July 18, 2011 at 7:15 p.m., at the Municipal Office Building, 127 Elm Street, Millbury, MA.  Chairman Richard Gosselin presided.

Present:  Paul, Piktelis, Anna Lewandowski, Richard Gosselin, Jeffrey Markarian, Gary Schold (arrives at 7:30 p.m.)

7:15 p.m.       32 Grafton Street Performance Guarantee

Chris Windle was present.  $89,220 worth of work has been completed.  Town Planner has recommended $130,380 be held, and she has a check for that amount in her possession.  That sum includes a 20% contingency factor.

Mr. Gosselin asked if all utilities were completed on site, and was told that they are.  He conducted a site visit and identified some items that have not been done, including the front lawn, and had an issue with the stockpile of materials.  

Mr. Windle is going to lease to two tenants, a welder and a water jetting company.  

Mr. Piktelis suggested a stop sign be installed at the end of the driveway before there are occupants.

Motion by Jeff Markarian, seconded by Anna Lewandowski to accept a check in the amount of $138,380 for the performance guarantee and to approve temporary occupancy permits contingent on the installation of a stop sign at the entrance/exit onto Grafton Road.  Town Planner will approve installation and determine when the temporary occupancy permits can be issued.  Motion carried on a 4-0-0 vote.

7:30 p.m.       Greenwood Street Minor Modification – Wireless

Brian Allen was present from KJK Wireless, as a representative for AT&T, who presently has six antennae at the height of 130’ on the wireless communication facility at 428 Greenwood Street.  

They would like to add three new antennae, six remote radio heads, and a surge arrestor at the existing height of 130’ which shall be connected to an improved equipment shelter on the ground, to improve service.  

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to grant the minor modification to the original special permit dated January 10, 2005, changes as depicted on site plan entitled “AT&T Site Number MA3253, Millbury, MA, 428 Greenwood Street, prepared by Vertical Resources GRP, 489 Washington Street, Auburn, MA, dated April 14, 2011.
Motion carried unanimously.

Motion to approve the minutes of June 27, 2011 by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Paul Piktelis, motion carried on a 4-0-1 vote, Jeff Markarian abstained as he was absent for this meeting.

8:05 p.m.       1 – 5 Elm Street, Public Hearing, cont.

Peter Keenan, Esquire was present to represent the Westford Group, together with the applicant, Brian Marino, engineer Norman Hill, and traffic engineer, Ron Muller.

Applicant has filed with the Conservation Commission and necessary easements will be obtained.  Approximately 20 – 25 employees would be hired, with preference to town employees.  

Ron Muller discussed the results of his traffic study.  His study included three peak hours and accounted for other potential development projects which would add traffic to the area.  He determined that there should be no change in the level of service to that area.  70% would enter through the drive-thru lane although Tighe & Bond suggested it would be about 54%.  He went to the Dunkin Donuts in Grafton the maximum car cue there is 14, this one will have room for 14 plus another 5 before it gets to the street, and there is much less traffic in this area.  He believes any traffic delays will be on site, as people wait to exit.  

Ms. Connors asked if he had recent accident data.  Mr. Muller used data from 2009 and 2010.  

When asked about the telephone pole there, he said it was not considered an obstruction as it won’t block the entire vehicle.  

Letter dated July 18, 2011 from the DPW Director will be addressed at the next meeting.  

Clerk Schold read letter from Acting Police Chief Donald Desorcy.  

Mr. Gosselin asked Mr. Muller if anyone checked if the traffic report results for previously approved projects in town were ever reviewed to see how accurate they were.  This is labled as Level F for service, how will they mitigate the problems?  Crosswalks should be addressed as there will be foot traffic from Windle Field.  He wants to know the normal number of cars that cue at the light.  

Mrs. Lewandowski reminded them that there were additional homes that abut the Subway restaurant and would like to see those cul-de-sacs on the plan.  Where will the trucks unload?  Norman Hill stated that they will have to back in to the drive-thru, making a three-point turn.  

Ms. Connors asked about cueing cars in the fire lane.  

Mr. Muller suggested additional striping for the drive-thru lane, adding signage to identify the drive-thru area and the inspection station, and directing any overflow of cars waiting for an inspection to a parking area.  One way circulation could be used for inspections.  

Chair Gosselin opened the meeting to the public.

Warren Gardner, 4 Horseshoe Lane, owns Matt’s Tree Service, and used to house trucks there.  He stated that he did not have any problems getting his trucks in or out.

Matt Belsito, Fire Chief, stated that he has serious concerns with traffic, Millbury has a call fire department and if they have to respond to a call they have to be able to get through that intersection as quickly as possible, with no additional delay to response time.  

Cyndy Burr, 7 Maple Lane, Executive Director, Millbury Improvement Initiative, stated that delays exiting the Dunkin Donuts will really end up affecting the business owner, if customers get trapped there they won’t remain a customer.  If the traffic engineer’s review is wrong then there will be no room on Elm and Canal Streets.  She wanted to remind the Board that pedestrians in that area have to be paid attention to.  

Lenny Mort, 11 Juniper Drive, stated that there is a lot of traffic that no longer goes through that area that used to.  Some businesses are out of business, such as the box company in Sutton and Aggregate Industries, so traffic associated with them doesn’t travel there anymore.  

Mr. Gosselin made the following comments:  the drainage easement stops before it reaches the water, extend it and create a tie line to the water; add utility easement (or appropriate wording) and monuments to the plan, set pipes at all corners.  Details for the head wall and dig safe notes are to be added.

Mrs. Lewandowski asked if this would be a franchise, who would own it?  The Westford Group, Brian Marino and his brother Michael and they will hold a franchise on it.  She added that mall traffic from Grafton comes through there.  

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Paul Piktelis to continue the public hearing to August 15, 2011 at 7:30 p.m., motion carried unanimously.

8:45 p.m.       Autumn Gate Estates II Public Hearing

Clerk Schold read the public hearing notice.  Applicant is requesting a two year extension.  The current expiration date is July 10, 2011.  Bruce Taylor from Stockhouse Investments advised that he has no option but to wait for the Autumn Gate I Subdivision to get out of litigation as his subdivision is tied into their sewer and water lines, etc.  

Motion by Anna Lewandowski, seconded by Gary Schold, to close the public hearing, motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Gary Schold, seconded by Jeffrey Markarian, to grant a modification of the Certificate of Approval of a Definitive Plan, for Plan entitled “Autumn Gate Estates, Phase II” dated April 3, 2006, revised September 26, 2006, prepared by Heritage Design Group, One Main Street, Whitinsville, MA, to extend the completion date for construction of infrastructure and services until July 11, 2013, motion carried unanimously,

Chairman Gosselin declared a 5 minute recess.

9:20 p.m.       13 Hayward Glen Drive Public Hearing

Clerk Schold read the public hearing notice.  

Attorney Mark Donahue reviewed the revised plans for the accessory dwelling, which will be within the existing two bay garage, which will be expanded by six feet.  The living area will be 511 square feet, with no basement, no change to current attic which will be accessed from a pull down stairway, and used for storage only.

Chairman Gosselin opened the meeting to the public.  

Mark Dyberg, 2 Wingfoot Lane, suggested the problem lies with Section 46 of the bylaw, and he would like the Board to revise it.

Dennis D’Amore, 12 Hayward Glen Drive, thanked Mr. McRae for working with the neighbors, he is still opposed to the accessory dwelling in a single family neighborhood however.  It is inappropriate, and he again asked the Board to revise the bylaw. He wanted the Board to add restrictions if the house was sold, removing the apartment or regulating its use, which might be enforceable in the future.

Motion by Jeff Markarian, seconded by Paul Piktelis, to close the public hearing, motion carried unanimously.

Motion Gary Schold, seconded by Jeffrey Markarian, to grant the accessory dwelling special permit as depicted on site plan entitled “Plot Plan of Land in Millbury, MA, prepared for Gregory C. & Nicole A. McRae” prepared by Guerard Survey Co. & Associates, Inc., 11 Summer St., Westborough, MA, dated June 23, 2011, sheets A1 – A4, with conditions a – i for a 511 square foot dwelling unit, motion carried unanimously.


Motion to adjourn by Paul Piktelis, seconded by Jeff Markarian, motion carried unanimously.   Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan M. Dean





