Eversource Energy – Site Plan
Project Location: 34 West Street, Medway Assessors Parcel 66 – 012
Parcel Size: 48.8 acres
Type of Permit/Application: Major Site Plan
Applicant: NSTAR Electric Company d/b/a Eversource Energy of Westwood, MA
Property Owner: Sithe West Medway, LLC c/o NSTAR Services Co of Hartford, CT.
Application Date: January 26, 2016
Project Summary: Eversource proposes to construct two pre-fabricated control buildings, each 30’ by 64’ for a total of 1,920 sq. ft. per building, both of which are accessory to existing Eversource electrical transmission substations 65 and 446 at 34 West Street. The buildings will house equipment to protect the high voltage equipment located in the substation yards. The new control buildings represent an upgrade to the existing control buildings presently located on the property. The proposed buildings will be accessed via the existing facility site driveway from West Street. The construction of the building at station 65 requires construction of 150’ linear feet of retaining wall that will vary in height from 2 to 6 feet topped by a 7’ high fence.
Eversource has a permanent easement on a portion of this and adjacent properties to operate two electrical transmission substations and switchyard facilities including transformers, switchgear, transmission lines/towers and other associated infrastructure. Most of the property is located within the Industrial II zoning district, with a small portion located within the Agricultural Residential II zoning district. None of the planned work for the new control buildings will take place within the ARII district.
Application Documents – Click on the document to view or download.
Public Hearing: The public hearing began on Tuesday, February 23, 2016. The public hearing has been continued to Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 7:15 p.m. The hearing will take place in the School Committee Presentation Room at the Medway Middle School, 45 Holliston Street. NOTE - Abutters are NOT re-notified of the dates to which public hearings are continued.
NOTE – This site plan application DOES NOT pertain to Exelon’s proposed construction of a new fast-starting peaking facility with two electric combustion turbines at the West Medway Generating Station.