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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2006/04/14 (With Highway)
Minutes of Joint Transfer Station and Highway Department Committees’ Meeting    April 14th 2006 7:00 a.m.

In Attendance: Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Cynthia Bognolo, Charles Ragan, Katie Jenks, Marya Klee, Tony Ryan,  Fred Stearns, A. N. Other,  Simon Carr
Apologies:Al Pryor.

1.      Salt Shed:   Tony said that they had had difficulties contacting the licensee for the best salt sheds, which was why the shed had not progressed farther.  They had now seen an alternative shed in Corinth, VT and were pursuing this.  The anticipated cost was about $20,000 for materials, with a similar sum for labor.  The location for this shed would be adjoining Highland Cemetery , to the west of the highway garage and partially cut in to the bank.

2.      Compactor:

a.      Charles said that the Selectboard had considered other locations, including locating within the current fenced area.  However, this was not practicable; it would not be possible to locate it in a way that the container could be pulled.
b.      It was agreed that the Transfer Station Committee should propose a suitable location for the compactor and take their solution to the Selectboard for approval.  Charles said that there was a requirement for 75ft from a well and 100ft from a brook
c.      There was a leach field behind the old garage and a drain pipe from the new building, which were not shown on the plans or as-built drawings. Steve Maddock undertook to get the details from Fred Stearns.

Respectfully submitted
Simon Carr, scribe.