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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2006/10/04
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  October 4th 2006 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Cynthia Bognolo, Pete Bleyler, Simon Carr, Pete MacDonald, Charles Ragan, Marya Klee.
Apologies:      Al Pryor.

1.      Operation:  
a.      Jed’s partner Catherine Pixley has been taken on as the third attendant.
b.      Bags:  With LCS no longer supplying bags or pink cards, the Selectboard had determined that, in addition to the green bags, trash may also be thrown in ordinary trash bags tied with a sticker.  Such stickers will be sold mail-order by the Town Clerk’s office.  The committee was very concerned that this decision had been taken with no reference to the committee, who had reviewed this option early in their deliberations on trash payment options.  It was felt that if the Selectboard had talked with the committee, then much of the issues which had recently arisen could have been more easily resolved.

2.      Budget:  Pete and Steve will develop a budget for presentation to the next meeting, immediately prior to submission to the Budget committee.  This will incorporate an explanation of the need to address staffing levels, especially in respect to the routine work currently undertaken by members of the committee.

3.      Compactor: The compactor bids had been opened at the Selectboard meeting earlier.  The results were:
a.      Leavitt:        $26,260 with Rudco compactor
b.      Atlantic (1)    $29,130 with Rudco compactor
c.       Atlantic (2)   $30,379 with Accurate compactor
There was no bid from North-East despite them asking for further details during the bidding process. Pete has contacted them for confirmation of additional details and NRRA were reviewing the technical details.
d.      Location: the Selectboard confirmed that the final location will be on the old garage slab, as Option 1, and the work to ramp up to the slab will be undertaken shortly.  The committee needs to resolve a suitable electrical contractor, but felt they had several suitable names.

4.      Next meeting:  The next meeting will be Wednesday October 18th 2006 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Fire Station Meeting Room.  

Respectfully submitted
Simon Carr, scribe