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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2006/02/15
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  February 15th, 2006 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance: Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Marya Klee, Simon Carr
Apologies: Al Pryor, Cynthia Bognolo.

1.      Operation:  
a.      Injury: A user had fallen and broken her arm on January 29th.  She did not report this to any staff at the transfer station; instead driving home and then being driven to the hospital.  She subsequently reported the incident to the Police Chief.  It appears that the accident was caused by her missing her footing on the glass container steps.
b.      Operational Regulations:  These had now been finalized and issued on the list server.  A copy will be incorporated in the next church newsletter and a small copy will be posted at the transfer station.  We will watch for responses on this and then plan to display a large sign.
c.      Pedestrians: The issue of pedestrians immediately outside the transfer station had been raised in the Safety committee.  We need to purchase some moveable ‘Pedestrian’ warning signs that can be deployed between the packer and recycling area.
d.      Third attendant’s position: It did not appear that there had been any response to the advert.  Steve was asked to document the additional hours that he works, organizing containers, during the week.  This might make the position more attractive.
e.      Tire storage: Steve suggested that it would be more economic to purchase an old container for tire storage rather than paying the monthly rental on the current one.  This was agreed and Steve will investigate this with NRRA.
f.      Attendants’ Hut: It was agreed that we should also look at purchasing a small hut for the attendants.  This would make it easy for us to comply with the permit requirements.

2.      Development:
a.      Compactor:  following the end of the meeting, the committee made a site visit to consider the location of the compactor.  It was felt that it would be possible to situate this on the old garage slab inasmuch a way that the public would be able to throw from both sides and the highway department would have still have plenty of space on the slab to wash their vehicles.  The slab does have a drain.
b.      Permit:  Steve had talked with NH DES who said that they only need a site plan for us to proceed with the permit application.  Simon will prepare a drawing for this.  The old town garage is not being retained

3.      NRRA Summary:  
a.      Electronics disposal:  they now have a variety of programs.  The Lebanon location, referenced in the haul charges, is a ‘virtual’ location.  The actual recycler is in Vermont, but NRRA had felt that haulage charges should only be to the state line.
b.      Simon will take sample bags and C&D tickets to the next meeting for them to use in their pay-per-throw promotions.

4.      Committee personnel issues:  
a.      The committee was pleased to note that the case concerning Pete MacDonald had finally been resolved under the same terms as proposed by Pete immediately after the incident.  The committee considered it unfortunate that the original apology had not been accepted immediately
b.      Pete Bleyler’s term as Selectman is coming to an end.  However, he stated that he wished to continue serving on this committee.  The remainder of the committee greatly welcomed this.

5.      Next meeting: The next meeting will be Wednesday March 1st 2006 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Fire Station Meeting Room.  Issues to be covered include town green-up day, with especial reference to tires..