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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2006/05/03
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  May 3rd 2006 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance: Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Cynthia Bognolo, Marya Klee, Simon Carr.
Apologies:Al Pryor, Charles Ragan, Katie Jenks.

This meeting followed from the joint session with the Board of Selectmen and the subsequent Transfer Station site visit by the bulk of the Transfer Station Committee.  As the BOS meeting was minuted separately, these minutes will refer back to the BOS minutes where necessary.

1.      Minutes:  Simon had received a letter from Katie Jenks regarding some issues with the minutes of the last Transfer Station committee meeting and of the joint Transfer Station/Highway Department committee meeting.  As Katie could not attend this meeting, it was agreed to leave this matter on the table until Katie was available.

2.      Operation:  
a.      At their meeting, the BOS had said that they would arrange to talk directly with Al and Jed on a Sunday morning.  It was felt that it would be desirable for Steve either to meet with the BOS prior to this or to attend the Sunday meeting.  It was left to Steve to contact the BOS and arrange whatever input was felt necessary.
b.      Cynthia was concerned at some of Jed’s contacts who were hanging about the transfer station.  It may be that we need to ask for more police attendance.
c.      First Aid Kit:  Cynthia suggested that she would work with Katie in trying to source a mailbox and first aid kit.

3.      Charge:  the BOS were not happy with the draft charge and had taken it to amend.  Their main requirement, which is to develop a separate transfer station within the next ten years, was discussed.    There is also the Planning Board Community Attitude survey, which asks for opinions on the transfer station and which will give us an idea of the town’s view of priorities for major capital projects such as the transfer station.
4.      Compactor:  
a.      The BOS meeting had considered the two options Simon had prepared and asked why we could not accommodate the compactor within the current fenced area; if necessary, switching C&D to be dealt with at Lebanon. The committee’s site visit felt that this might be possible and Simon is to prepare a plan showing this.
b.      Pete presented prices from three suppliers; these all require a 6-8” concrete slab, with reinforcement and power to the location to be provided by us.  The prices: were:
i.      Leavitt Business Enterprises            $28744.00
ii.     Atlantic Leasing                                $31695.00
iii.    NorthEast Waste                         $28973.00
This quote is for a single-phase motor and needs to be increased by the cost of rotophase convertor.
The committee was unsure of some details and Pete undertook to contact the suppliers to clarify these.  (Subsequently from Pete: all three suppliers are quoting for 40-45 cu.yd. octagonal containers).  Simon was asked to take advice from NRRA members on 2yd. versus 4yd hoppers and on octagonal containers.

5.      Beautification:  Cynthia and Steve will talk with Elmer Brown regarding suitable planting for the High Street side.

6.      Next meeting:  The next meeting will be Wednesday May 17th 2006 10.30 a. m. at Lyme Fire Station Meeting Room.  

Respectfully submitted
Simon Carr, scribe