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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2006/03/01
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  March 1st, 2006 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance: Steve Maddock, Cynthia Bognolo, Marya Klee, Simon Carr
Apologies:Al Pryor, Pete Bleyler.

1.      Operation:  
a.      Operational Regulations:  These had been incorporated in the church newsletter and small copies posted at the transfer station
b.      Tire storage: the tire container rental is part of the total tire disposal deal.  Therefore there is no advantage in purchasing an old container for storage.
c.      Fibers container: This is not completely filled each week but there is no current alternative so we have to haul part-filled for the moment.
d.      Third attendant’s position: Steve had considered the additional work that he undertook mid-week was probably no more than an additional hour per week.  However, it was felt that it was desirable that an operator attended the committee’s meetings and that it would also be more appropriate if it was an operator who attended the NRRA monthly meetings, both of which might increase the hours worked.  There was also an issue on what work the committee should actually be doing in respect of work required to fulfill the safety committee’s requirements (see below) and it was considered that, in general, this was work that should be undertaken by town staff rather than a volunteer committee.
e.      Insurance Cover for Volunteers: Whilst the attendants were covered under the Town’s insurance policy, there was some confusion concerning volunteers.  Mike Dolan of the Local Government Center had said that volunteers were covered provided that they were recorded as such, and the names given to the insurers.  The Town is not doing this, despite being asked to investigate the situation and the committee agreed that it was essential to resolve this so that volunteers could help when necessary.

2.      Development:
a.      Compactor:  Simon had prepared a draft plan which was reviewed.  Subject to the compactor being passed at Town Meeting, we should then ask for a joint meeting with the Select Board and Highway Department to finally resolve the location.

3.      Green-up Day: There appeared to be little disagreement about how trash was handled during this event.  However, the was great concern at the issues which occurred with tire disposal last year.  It was agreed to approach the Conservation Commission to discuss this and to see how we can handle tires.

4.      Safety Committee requirements:  These had now been issued based on the survey carried out in August 2005.  There was discussion on how to implement some of these.  The committee’s view was that much could be achieved, providing we had staff available to undertake the necessary work.                                                                     

5.      Next meeting: The next meeting will be Wednesday March 15th 2006 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Fire Station Meeting Room.