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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2005/11/02
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   --  November 2nd, 2005 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Marya Klee, Simon Carr.
Apologies:      Cynthia Bognolo, Al Pryor.

1.      Operation:
a.      We had had two propane tanks dumped in the metal bin, at the end of last Sunday’s session.  We needed procedures to address such issues.
b.      Fiber:  We had checked further with Bonny Koch, NRRA and our load per pull was actually directly comparable with other towns.
c.      Operational Regulations:  Steve had prepared a draft document, which was discussed and Marya agreed to incorporate the discussed changes. There were also areas in which we needed co-operation from the Highway department.  The committee will take it to the Selectboard on November 30th.

2.      Development:
a.      Budget:  Pete had produced a budget and submitted this to the Selectboard.  Operating expenses were estimated at $89,200 against estimated income of $81,600 making a net expense of $7,600.  The capital costs we were proposing were $35,000 for a fixed compactor, installation and a concrete pad.  If a compactor were approved, we should see an additional saving of approximately $1,300.  We would not be making any proposal for a pole barn this year.  The Budget Committee meeting is November 9th 7 p.m. and the committee will attend to discuss any questions relating to our proposal.
b.      Compactor:   were still awaiting an alternative price.

3.      Bargain Barn:  We had had a summary of the amount that they had needed to dispose of this summer.  Steve will analyze this preparatory to discussing this with the Selectboard.

4.      Next meeting: The next meeting will be Wednesday November 16th 2005 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Center Academy.