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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2005/05/18
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting --  May 18, 2005

In Attendance:  Steve Maddock, Pete Bleyler, Cynthia Bognolo, Marya Klee
Apologies:      Simon Carr, Al Pryor

Steve and Marya gave Cynthia an update on the Bargain Barn and Green-up Day/Tires situations.

Green-up Day:  Committee will take more care next year with no tire amnesty and investigating the use of special New Hampshire the Beautiful bags.

Whitcher Meeting:  The new fee schedule was approved by the Selectboard this morning, including a  $175 retroactive payment for glass pulls.  Steve will call Chris Whitcher with this news and will talk with Chris about clearly identifying the Lyme owned containers.

Fence:  Steve will speak with contractor about start date.  He will also speak with Town Road crew about moving existing containers, grading the area and laying stay-pack.  Simon and Steve will stake out the fence lines/corners before the installation.

Pole Barn:  Wayne Pike delivered an estimate to Steve of $25,500 which includes an outside contractor to set the poles.

PAYT Implementation:  Committee must work on the order of containers in order to control the placing of and payment for chargeable items.  Also consider creating a “choke point” through which these items must pass.  SIGNS are a must for 6/26, preferably permanent, but temporary if necessary.

Propane Tanks:  The Committee (Steve) will discuss with Al Pryor how/where to dispose of tanks and we will take care of transfer.

Next Meeting:  The next Meeting will be Wednesday, June 1st 2005, 10:30 AM at Lyme Center Academy.