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Transfer Station Study Committee Minutes 2005/09/21
Minutes of Transfer Station Committee Meeting   -- September 21st, 2005 10:30 a.m.

In Attendance:  Pete Bleyler, Al Pryor, Simon Carr.
Apologies:      Steve Maddock, Cynthia Bognolo, Pete Bleyler, Pete MacDonald, Marya Klee.

1.      Operation:
a.      Safety:  Steps: Simon had not yet received information from any of the suppliers but he was continuing to chase them.  The existing fiber bin steps had been damaged again.  We should find a local contractor to repair these and also fix a handrail along the edge of the walkway by the C&D bin.  Simon will check with Dina on possible names.
b.      Fiber Bin:  The hauler had failed to pull the fiber bin before the weekend.  Consequently we had been obliged to turn some people away towards the end of Sunday’s session.  This was unfortunate and we need to consider fall-back options for the future.

2.      Beautification:
a.      The wind-screening has been fixed.  It appears more transparent than expected.  Simon with investigate other, denser options, as we could still use the thinner screening towards the rear of the station.
b.      Cynthia had had an initial talk with the Utility Club planting along High Street.  There was concern that we were reaching the end of the fall planting season.

3.      Compactor and Pole Barn: we need to get an alternative compactor and slab price.  Pete Bleyler will contact Barry Normandeau to see if he can give us a price.

4.      Publicity, New Flyer: Pete Bleyler had produced this and distributed it last Sunday.  Congratulations!

5.      Next meeting: The next meeting will be Wednesday October 5th 2005 10.30 a.m. at Lyme Center Academy